Criminal, internal investigations underway into Ohio prison escape of school shooter, 2 others

This photo provided by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections shows Lindsey Bruce. Bruce is one of the three Ohio inmates, including a convicted killer of three students, that were able to escape from prison during recreation Thursday, Sept. 11, 2014, in Lima, Ohio. A prison guard chased and caught Bruce first. (AP Photo/Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections) (The Associated Press)

Ohio officials say criminal and internal investigations are underway to determine how three inmates, including a convicted killer of three students, escaped from prison.

State correction officials say outside experts also will examine prison procedures and recommend possible improvements.

The state says the inmates, including school shooter T.J. Lane, escaped from prison in Lima (LY'-muh) on Thursday night by scaling a fence to a roof, which immediately sounded a fence alarm.

All three were back in custody by Friday morning, and officials say they have been transferred to a high-security prison in Youngstown.

The union representing prison guards says officials learned of an escape plan Wednesday and segregated an inmate from the same unit as the three escapees. A prisons spokeswoman says that inmate had nothing to do with Thursday's escape.