Correction: Dog-Missing Snout story

In a story Oct. 16 about a hero dog from the Philippines that lost its snout and upper jaw in a motorcycle accident, The Associated Press reported erroneously that veterinarians at the University of California, Davis planned to perform facial reconstruction surgery. The doctors only plan to do dental surgery and to close the wound on Kabang's face.

A corrected version of the story is below:

Surgery delayed for Filipino dog that lost snout

Dog that lost snout saving young girls in Philippines will require chemotherapy before surgery

DAVIS, Calif. (AP) — A dog from the Philippines who became an international hero after she sacrificed her snout to save two young girls will have to wait a little longer for surgery to repair her missing muzzle.

The Sacramento Bee reports ( that veterinarians at the University of California, Davis said Tuesday that Kabang needs treatment for heartworm and chemotherapy for a vaginal tumor before she can have the gaping wound on her face closed.

The mixed-breed dog ended up in Davis last week after a nurse from Buffalo, N.Y., spearheaded a fundraising campaign to bring her to the U.S. Veterinarians in the Philippines had been unable to treat her injuries.

Newspapers in the Philippines reported that Kabang had her snout and upper jaw sheared off when she jumped in front of a speeding motorcycle while she was walking with her owner's daughter and niece.