Sapphire Palmer, left, and Amanda Hayward have been missing since early Tuesday morning. (HTPD)
Michigan police located the abandoned car of a missing Hamburg mom and her 7-year-old daughter Wednesday evening and are now searching for the pair in the company of a 64-year-old male acquaintance believed to be driving a red 2001 Ford Escape, authorities said in a Facebook post.
Amanda Hayward, 30, and her daughter, Sapphire Elizabeth Palmer, were last seen leaving their home around 3 a.m. on Tuesday. Hayward’s purse – with credit cards and cash still inside – was found several hours on the side of the road a few miles away.
“I know Sapphire has no idea what’s going on,” Amanda’s dad, Darrell Hayward told FOX2. “I wonder what’s going through her little mind.”
Darrell said his daughter was behaving erratically shortly before she left with Sapphire.
“My daughter was putting electronics in the tub thinking the cameras were watching them,” Darrell said. “She thinks somebody is watching her or something. She thinks the Internet is hacked or something.”
The red Escape that Amanda and Sapphire are thought to be travelling in has Michigan license plate 2HVA18. It’s unclear how the unidentified male acquaintance knows Hayward or her daughter.
The FBI has offered its assistance and officers are working with the Hamburg Township Police Department.