
The conservative Kent State University graduate who went viral for posing with a rifle on campus as a parting shot at the school’s anti-gun policy posted a video that is sure to set off her detractors.

Kaitlin Bennett, a pro-Second Amendment supporter and Grassroots Director for Liberty Hangout, shared a clip on July 4 where she fired the gun that made her an Internet star. She wore a “USA” T-shirt and cut-off jean shorts as she pulled the trigger.

“Remember that big scary rifle I brought to Kent State for my graduation photos?” Bennett tweeted. “Here’s how that baby fires.”

The gun supporter used the hashtag “superscary” in an eight-second video where she is seen shooting the AR-10 before turning and saying “so scary” to the camera with a smile on her face.

Bennett told Fox News she figured "a little blonde girl firing the AR-10 would break stereotypes and show that shooting rifles isn't as scary as it's made out to be."

ksu Bennett gun photo

Kent State University graduate, Kaitlin Bennett, went viral for taking a parting shot at her school's anti-gun policy. (Liberty Hangout)

"If I can do it, anyone can," she said.

Bennett went viral in May after she posed with the gun immediately following her graduation from Kent State to condemn the school's "insulting" anti-gun policies.

KSU Kaitlin Bennett

Kent State University graduate, Kaitlin Bennett, went viral for taking a parting shot at her school's anti-gun policy. (Liberty Hangout)

"The entire outrage over my graduation photos and subsequent Twitter infamy has only made me stronger in my beliefs and activism," she said.

Bennett said she was recently stalked and threatened in a restaurant but she isn't backing down.


"I think it's ironic these people are so scared of guns yet have no problem threatening someone who carries," Bennett said. "Their goal is to get me to shut up, but they have only amplified me and made me louder."