Connecticut nurse accused of recruiting sex slaves

Vernon police have accused a nurse practitioner who ran a family practice of trying to recruit a patient and her daughters to be his sex slaves.

A warrant that unsealed in Superior Court in Rockville on Tuesday says 44-year-old Jay T. Mohler-Avery of Hartford allegedly tried to take delivery of the patient's 18-month-old daughter so he could sexually assault her.

The Hartford Courant reports that Mohler-Avery is jailed on charges of attempted sexual assault, conspiracy to commit sexual assault and other allegations.

An unidentified woman said Mohler-Avery expressed an interest in her 18-month-old daughter, asking her to bring the infant to him so he could "break her in early."

It wasn't known Wednesday morning if he's represented by a lawyer.

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Mohler-Avery also was charged with larceny and insurance fraud for allegedly billing Medicaid without providing services.