Clinton and Trump Win Big in New York Resetting Race Once Again

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton celebrates on stage after winning the New York state primary Tuesday, April 19, 2016, in New York. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens) (Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.)

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump scored major victories in New York’s primary.

Hillary Clinton got 58% over Bernie Sanders 42%.

Donald Trump got 60%. Kasich was a distant number two with 25%.

Clinton got at least 135 more delegates than Sanders and made his path nearly mathematically impossible. Trump got at least 89 delegates.. making the possibility more likely that he can get the delegates he needs before the convention.

Clinton said, "The race for the nomination is in the home stretch, and victory is in sight."

The Washington Post reporters Abby Phillip, John Wagner, and Anne Gearan write today:

Clinton's decisive victory is certain to increase questions about whether Sanders risks damaging the party's chances in November if he continues to campaign as aggressively against Clinton.

Sanders has vowed to stay in the race through the July convention, and his ability to raise money online from his legions of loyal supporters should enable him to do that.

Before the New York results were announced, Sanders flew to his home town of Burlington, Vt., without the traveling press corps that usually accompanies him.

"Today we took Secretary Clinton on in her own state of New York and we lost," Sanders told reporters in Vermont after landing. "There are five primaries next week. We think we're going to do well."

Gerald Seib (who is our guest today) writes in the Wall Street Journal:

“On the Democratic side, Mrs. Clinton took care of business in the state she once represented in the Senate. Her victory added to what appears to be her insurmountable lead in delegates -- provided the hundreds of party leaders who hold "superdelegate" status and can vote as they please at the convention stick with her.

Yet New York will be remembered as the state where the Democratic race went from healthy contest to ugly grudge match. The bad blood between the Clinton and Sanders campaigns, and the candidates themselves, worsened.

Both probably suffered damage in the process. Mr. Sanders's attacks on Mrs. Clinton -- which now all but proclaim that she is a servant of special-interest money -- appear to be helping drive up negative feelings toward the former secretary of state, and not just among Republican voters.

Independent voters and Sanders supporters that Mrs. Clinton would need as the party's nominee also appear affected.”

Sanders is taking a day off the campaign trail after going home to Vermont.

Jenna Johnson and Philip Rucker write in the Washington Post today about Mister Trump:

“Donald Trump easily trounced his opponents in Tuesday's Republican presidential primary here in his home state of New York, notching his biggest win yet and pulling further ahead of Ted Cruz and John Kasich in the delegate count.

Trump's blowout victory - which was propelled by voters' overwhelming desire to elect a political outsider who could bring change - positions the billionaire mogul for a hot streak in five East Coast primaries next week and brings him closer to securing the nomination with an outright majority of pledged delegates.”

The next big primaries are Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island next Tuesday.

The rains have moved out of the Houston area, but not before flooding killed six people and caused massive damage.

The Senate is expected to pass a major energy bill today.

At 1pm.. the Michigan attorney general is set to hold a news conference and make a  major announcement on the lead crisis in Detroit.

1300EDT -- MI Atty Gen Bill Schuette, joined by Genesee Cty Prosecutor David Leyton, Special Counsel Todd Flood, Chief Investigator Andy Arena, and Deputy Chief Investigator Ellis Stafford, holds a press conference to make "a significant announcement" resulting from the ongoing Flint Water Investigation. Riverfront Banquet Center, Flint, MI. WJBK LIVE via LiveU

President Obama has arrived in Saudi Arabia for a series of meetings with leaders there. The alliance has been strained by a series of recent events. A bill in Congress is gaining ground that would force the declassification of documents related to the 9/11 terror attacks. Those documents appear to show high-ranking Saudi support and funding for many of the 9/11 terrorists. The bill would also expose the Saudis to legal responsibility for the attacks. They are threatening economic punishment for the U.S., but any financial sanctions would be likely to spite their nose to save their face.

A cease-fire in Syria is crumbling as the dictatorship launches air strikes.

89-year-old Fidel Castro spoke publicly.. telling the Cuban congress that he would soon die. Raul Castro – his brother – will lead for at least part of another five year term.

France has extended emergency powers for the government after terror attacks killed more than 130 in November. The powers are in place now through July’s Tour de France.

The death toll has risen to 525 in a massive earthquake over the weekend in Ecuador. There was another huge aftershock overnight – a 6.1 quake.

The death toll from several huge quakes in Japan has risen to 48.

A big blow for Obamacare. UnitedHealth will leave the exchanges in several states. It says its losing too much money with Obamacare patients. It made 1.6 billion in the first quarter.

Intel is cutting 12,000 jobs or 11% of its work force.

It’s looking like a down day on Wall Street. Oil prices down again, and Chinese stocks were lower. We get existing home sales data today. We also get more earnings reports including Coca Cola.

Yahoo! has received low-ball bids of between $4 and $8 billion from Daily Mail and TPG. Yahoo! has been struggling and was looking to sell.

Mitsubishi may have its own fuel economy scandal to deal with. There are newly uncovered improprieties in tests.

For more news, follow me on Twitter: @ClintPHenderson

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