Four women joined the Cleveland Police Department, following their father's footsteps. (Fox 8 Cleveland)
Four Ohio women who followed in their father's footsteps and joined the Cleveland Police Department said their dads have always inspired them to join the force.
Officers Jennifer Dziuba, Victoria Hahn, Anglly Gavria and Carlee Seroka were among the 16 women who graduated from the Cleveland police academy this year, Fox 8 Cleveland reported. Their fathers, who are active police officers, had the honor to put badges on their daughter during the ceremony.
The four women have become "fast friends" since graduating the police academy. The fathers and daughters all bond over the similar life experiences they share.
"It''s a good bond to have and going through the experience of the police academy. It can't be broken," Dziuba told Fox 8.
Dziuba said her father has always been her "support," adding that "anything that [she] need he's there for" her.
Her father, Lt. James Dziuba, also said the fathers share a similar bond, knowing that they are going through the same experience of having a child join the force.
"We all share the same experiences, same feelings of having our daughter follow in our footsteps. It just shows how far women have come along in our society that they can partake in what used to be a male-dominated profession," Lt. Dziuba said.
Hahn said her father always knew she would also join the force.
"When I was growing up my dad has always said you're going to grow up to be a police officer," Hahn said. "It goes to show how my father raised me. He always [told me], 'You need to pursue your dreams. Do what's going to make you happy.'"
"She's a survivor. She's going to be fine," Sgt. Leslie Hahn said of his daughter.
Officer George Seroka's initial reaction to his daughter Carlee becoming a police officer was more "scared," he said.
"When your daughter tells you she's going to do it, I think it's a little different," he told Fox 8 Cleveland.
But when he placed the badge on his daughter, he was overwhelmed with emotions and proud of the woman she has become.
"When you put your badge on your daughter...until you walk that mile in my footsteps, I can't really explain it to you," Seroka said.
Gavria and her family moved from Colombia to the U.S. when she was 9 years old to pursue a better life. She said it was "hard" moving to America, going three years without seeing her father. She said she credits her father's work ethic in her decision to become a Cleveland police officer.
"Just to see all of them together brought back memories of when I was there too," he said. "To see my daughter right there, to have to moment to put the badge on her chest -- it was beautiful."