Clash over experts key in close of Ga. trial for soldier charged with killing pregnant wife

The fate of an Army soldier charged with killing his pregnant wife may hinge on whether a military judge accepts a single medical expert's conclusion that she was strangled as sufficient evidence for a conviction.

Prosecutors and defense attorneys gave closing arguments Thursday in the court-martial of 22-year-old Pvt. Isaac Aguigui (AH-ghee-ghee) of Cashmere, Wash., who faces a life sentence if convicted of murder in the July 2011 death of Sgt. Deirdre Aguigui. Attorneys fiercely debated evidence given by medical experts in the case.

The military's autopsy was inconclusive. But a Georgia state medical examiner later determined the woman was strangled after ruling out other potential causes.

Prosecutors said a certain chokehold would have left few marks. Defense lawyers argued the theory was just the opinion of a lone expert.