Good morning and welcome to Fox News First. Here's what you need to know as you start your day ...

China harboring fugitive military-linked biologist in US: FBI
A biology researcher who falsely denied a role within the Chinese military to obtain a visa and gain entry into the U.S. is being sheltered in the Chinese consulate in San Francisco, court documents filed by the FBI say.

The filing is part of a document that cites other cases in which Chinese nationals allegedly lied on their U.S. visa applications by hiding their military affiliations.

Tang Juan, a researcher at the University of California, Davis, indicated on her J-1 visa application that she "had never served in the military, but open source investigation revealed photographs of her in the uniform of the Civilian Cadre of the PLA [People's Liberation Army], and that she had been employed as a researcher at the Air Force Military Medical University, which is another name for FMMU [Fourth Military Medical University]," the FBI claimed.

Later, during an interview with FBI agents on June 20, Tang "denied serving in the Chinese military, claimed she did not know the meaning of the insignia on her uniform, and that wearing a military uniform was required for attendance at FMMU because it was a military school." CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON OUR TOP STORY.

Other related developments:
- Daughter of imprisoned Uighur scholar speaks out 7 years after he was arrested boarding flight to US
- McFarland: Trump is first leader to finally 'fight back' against China amid decades-long Cold War
- Gordon Chang reacts to Houston consulate order: China is 'deliberately stoking racial tensions'
- China threatens retaliation after US orders closure of Houston consulate

Portland mayor joins protesters – who demand that he resign
The mayor of Portland, Ore., joined protesters for an outdoor demonstration Wednesday night, but instead of finding harmony within the group, Ted Wheeler was unceremoniously told to resign.

Protesters who projected four key demands on the side of the Multnomah County justice building – including defunding the police department by 50 percent and freeing all protesters from jail - also listed his resignation as a demand.

The demonstrators said the city should redirect money from the police into the community – “especially the Black community.”

When Wheeler began to speak, however, shouts and taunts from the crowd nearly drowned him out. So he thanked attendees for coming out to oppose the Trump administration's "occupation" of the city and asked them to continue to resist the presence of federal agents. CLICK HERE FOR MORE

Other related developments:
- Oregon governor compares federal officers to 'secret police abducting people'
- Oregon Democrats formally request investigations into DHS, DOJ response to Portland riots
- DHS chief promises ‘we will not retreat’ from Portland despite criticism, tells rioters ‘find another line of work’
- Acting DHS secretary hits back at Portland mayor's 'completely irresponsible' claim that feds are 'escalating' unrest

Geraldo Rivera blasts Biden's 'flamboyant' Trump racism claim
Fox News correspondent-at-large Geraldo Rivera wasted little time Wednesday night coming to the defense of President Trump after 2020 presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden accused the president of being a racist.

In an interview on "Hannity," Rivera told the primetime host if Trump uttered a similarly "unhinged" comment about Biden, Democrats and the mainstream media would be quick to "blow him up."

"He's not a racist. I've known him 45 years," Rivera asserted.

"For Biden to say he is the first racist ever elected, that shows how disconnected Joe Biden is. Twelve United States presidents were slaveholders," Rivera argued. "Joe should do a little research before he makes flamboyant charge like that. So unhinged from reality." CLICK HERE FOR MORE


- North Carolina man who hit $10M lottery jackpot charged with murder
- Trump volunteers to take coronavirus vaccine 'first' or 'last,' defends Birx in interview with Dr. Marc Siegel
- Lady Liberty stands tall – amid lightning strike in NY Harbor
- Derek Chauvin, fired Minneapolis police officer, and his wife charged with tax crimes
- Tom Cotton rips NY Times for running China scientist’s op-ed slamming US virus response

- White House, GOP agree on virus testing in new aid bill
- Coronavirus made the stock market an investment favorite for 28% of Americans: study
- Austin wins Tesla's new factory, Musk thanks Tulsa

#TheFlashback: CLICK HERE to find out what happened on "This Day in History."


Sean Hannity disparaged the violent crime wave striking major US cities such as Portland, Chicago and New York City, citing Democrat mayors and governors, whom he says have failed in their most basic duties – their most basic responsibilities – to maintain law and order.

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Fox News First is compiled by Fox News' Bryan Robinson. This edition was produced by Jack Durschlag. Thank you for making us your first choice in the morning! See you in your inbox first thing Friday.