
Casey Anthony's release from an Orlando jail next week has everyone wondering: What's next for the Orlando mother who was acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter?

According to letters written by Anthony to another inmate, the 25-year-old has dreamed of becoming pregnant again or adopting because "so many kids and teens are homeless and that's something I want to target."

In the hand-written letters, obtained by MyFoxOrlando.com, Anthony writes: "I had a dream not too long ago that I was pregnant. It was like having Cays all over again."

"I've thought about adopting, which even sounds weird to me saying it, but there are so many children that deserve to be loved," she wrote to inmate Robyn Adams at the Orlando County Jail. "Let's make a deal? Let's get pregnant together?"

The letters were reportedly written between 2008 and 2009 and released some time last year.

Anthony also confides that she's interested in writing a "partial memoir" and says she's looking forward to manicures, pedicures and underwear that "fits" when she re-enters society.

"I could use a day at Target myself," she wrote. "Just to walk around the store, to be a part of society. I want to go grocery shopping."

"If you could change your name to any name, what would it be?" she went on to ask in another letter. "I've been thinking about that a lot lately."

In the letters, Casey also identifies Caylee's father as "Erik" -- a subject of widespread speculation during trial as the child's father was never named.

It's not clear yet what the future holds when Anthony is released. Threats have been made against her, and online she is being vilified. More than 17,000 people "liked" the "I hate Casey Anthony" page on Facebook, which included comments wishing her the same fate that befell little Caylee.

Prosecutors had claimed that Anthony suffocated Caylee with duct tape before dumping her body in a wooded area not far from her Orlando home. Defense attorneys countered that the toddler accidentally drowned in the family's swimming pool. They said that when Anthony panicked, her father, a former police officer, decided to make the death look like a murder. They said he put duct tape on the girl's mouth and then disposed of the body.

Click here to read the Casey Anthony jailhouse letters from MyFoxOrlando.com.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.