Casey Anthony admits she was 'stupid kid' who looked 'absolutely horrible' after daughter vanished

An "ashamed" Casey Anthony concedes that interviews given around the time of her arrest and trial make her look "absolutely horrible," but says "even then, that wasn't who I am."

Speaking to CNN's Piers Morgan by telephone, Anthony said, "I've looked back at some of the interviews ... in the way that I've come across. It's horrible. It looks absolutely horrible."

"I'm ashamed in many ways of the person that I was. Because even then, that wasn't who I am."

She said she was a "stupid kid" who lied to police because she did not trust them, but "I didn't kill my daughter ... she was my greatest accomplishment."

Anthony was controversially found not guilty of murdering infant daughter Caylee in July 2011, but convicted of four counts of lying to law enforcement officials.

Since then, Anthony, 26, has been in hiding, where her lawyer J. Cheney Mason said she is afraid to even go outside and passes her days exercising, reading books and watching TV.

She is currently reading the "Hunger Games" trilogy and her favorite TV shows are "I Love Lucy" and "The Three Stooges," Mason said.

He also revealed that she dislikes reality TV and her distrust of the media means she does not watch the news.

Hitting out at the media's thirst for rumor about her, Anthony denied she had ever been a party girl -- as she was widely portrayed -- and said recent rumors that she now "weighed 500 pounds" were ridiculous, with Mason adding that "it's doubtful that she weighs 120 pounds."

Asked how Anthony feels about being one of the most hated women in America, Mason said, "She accepts reality ... she can't do anything about that.

"She has to accept people hate her and that's because they don't know her. When the time comes, she will have her story to tell."