Canadian company holds steel needed for WTC antenna 'hostage,' lawsuit alleges

Sept. 11, 2012: The tower known as 1 World Trade Center, left, the National September 11 Memorial, bottom left, and 4 World Trade Center, right, are bathed in light in New York. (AP) (AP2012)

A Canadian company is holding the steel needed to build the new World Trade Center’s antenna “hostage” for millions of dollars — jeopardizing the completion date for the tower and at least 100 iron-worker jobs, court papers charge.

The building reached 104 stories in August, but is expected to reach 1,776 feet when the antenna is done.

“When it is complete, the building known as 1 World Trade Center will be the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere and a symbol of the recovery of New York City, New York state and the United States from the terrorist attacks of 9/11,” the Manhattan Supreme Court suit says.

But, the Port Authority’s WTC Tower 1 LLC says in court papers that it can’t happen unless ADF Steel stops trying to shake them down and ships the rest of the metal they desperately need to finish the project.

The “only remaining steel to be erected is the steel comprising the antenna structure for the top of 1 WTC Tower,” the Manhattan Supreme Court suit says.

The “unique custom pieces of steel,” including the antenna mast, antenna ring steel and roof nodes,” were supposed to begin shipping on Sept. 24, the suit says.

“ADF refuses to ship this antenna steel unless and until it receives approximately $6 million allegedly owed under another contract for another project as ransom,” the suit says.

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