A California woman was caught on video dragging her small dog on a leash while speeding off in a scooter over the weekend -- and police say they're investigating.

Brandon Sanders took to Facebook Sunday to describe what he witnessed while riding his bike in Bakersfield.

“While riding bikes downtown on A and 20th street, we watched this awesome human being riding one of the Bird Scooter’s at about 15 MPH dragging this poor dog behind her by a leash,” his post read. “The dog was on its side and we watched it being drug (sic) at least 100 yards and there’s no telling how long she had been dragging it for before we saw her.”

Sanders posted two images that apparently showed the woman smiling and holding a small dog with visibly bloodied paws.

He wrote in his post that he followed the woman to her apartment where she reportedly said, “s--- happens, just like with kids.”

Neighbor James Dowell also shared on Facebook videos showing the woman dragging the dog on its side at a high speed.

The Bakersfield Police Department told Fox News they know the identity of the woman but will not release her name citing an open investigation.

Police also told Fox News the dog was taken by animal control officers and was being treated for its injuries. It is expected to survive.


“I know this event touched a lot of people including myself and although I don’t like to post things of this nature, I felt that this type of behavior needed to be posted to at a MINIMUM, at least bring awareness to others about these types of actions,” Sanders post read. “We need to be more aware of what we expose our pets to and do our best to always keep them safe.”