California girl on ventilator getting diploma

The family of a 13-year-old California girl who was declared brain-dead after suffering complications from sleep apnea surgery says she will receive an honorary diploma during her school's eighth grade graduation.

Omari Sealey, the uncle of Jahi McMath, said Wednesday the girl's school, E.C. Reems Academy of Technology and Arts in Oakland, will give the diploma to a family member. The school's graduation ceremony is Friday.

Jahi was in eighth grade and scheduled to graduate when she underwent tonsil surgery at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland in December. She went into cardiac arrest and was later declared brain-dead.

Her family went to court to prevent the hospital from taking her off a ventilator. Jahi was eventually released to them and moved to another facility.

Sealey said his niece is doing well.