California university offers faculty $1,200 stipends for course on CRT, eradicating 'whiteness': report

First session revolves 'deepening our understanding of Critical Race Theory and Critical Pedagogies'

California State University East Bay (CSUEB) is reportedly offering $1,200 for faculty to attend a professional development program that seeks to understand how Whiteness can be "eradicated."

The College Fix reported Tuesday on the program, which is set for July and will involve multiple sessions on "critical race theory," "becoming an anti-racist educator" and other topics. The university had issued a "call for self-nominations" that was due on May 21, according to the document obtained and published by the Fix.

The introductory section reads in part: "So how do we counter the stories we have been told and that we might even (re)tell to ourselves about how teaching and learning should be? How do we equip ourselves with the knowledge, tools, resources and beloved community to counter the systems of oppression, particularly racism, that saturates us? How can our vigilant work in countering racism also aim toward liberatory conditions where whiteness has been eradicated?"


At the end of the document, the school offers $600 upon completion of summer sessions and another $600 for completion of "the post-academy fall and spring semester sessions."

"A total of $1,200 will be paid to participants for the knowledge, skills or abilities derived from participation in the program as it provides additional benefits to the University in the future," it reads. 

The introduction also cites Assata Shakur, who was on the FBI's list of most wanted terrorists. "In her autobiography, Assata Shakur reminds us that the more we get used  to our oppression, the more our tolerance for it grows," it reads.

CSUEB did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.

Tuesday's report comes as the nation debates the influence of critical race theory (CRT) and its associated ideas on education. This particular event touts the practice as "a race-conscious framework that examines the ways that whiteness is normalized in our country and in our University."

The Academy's first session revolves around the theme of "deepening our understanding of Critical Race Theory and Critical Pedagogies." "Guiding Questions" include "How might Critical Race Theory provide a framework to inform our anti-racist liberatory pedagogy?"


This isn't the first time "whiteness" has been targeted by CRT or CRT-related programs in U.S. institutions. Fox News reported Tuesday on a lawsuit in which an Illinois school district allegedly read students a book that included a "whiteness" contract with a devil.

At Brandeis University, an assistant dean defended CRT in part by claiming that "all White people are racist."

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