Buffalo Soldier Monument notes 20th anniversary

A bust has been added to the Buffalo Soldier monument honoring the first all-black peacetime unit in the U.S. Army.

The bust of the 10th Cavalry's longtime commander, Brig. Gen. Benjamin Grierson, was unveiled during a ceremony Wednesday at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. The event marked the 20th anniversary of the original dedication of the monument.

Although Grierson was white, he was an advocate for the black soldiers whom he commanded for 22 years. The 10th Cavalry was often provided with the worst equipment in the worst conditions and faced prejudice from white soldiers.

The Leavenworth Times reports (http://bit.ly/QhXHAb ) that the bust honors Grierson as a leader who believed his regiment, which he trained and formed at Fort Leavenworth in 1866, should be recognized for its service to the country.


Information from: Leavenworth Times, http://www.leavenworthtimes.com