Brock Turner registered as a sex offender in Ohio on Tuesday morning, just days after the ex-Stanford student’s release from a controversial three-month jail stint for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman.

Turner, 21, spent 30 minutes at the Green County Sheriff’s Office in Xenia registering as an offender, ABC reported. He arrived with his parents.

Turner must register each 90 days for the rest of his life as a Tier III sex offender.

Turner was convicted of assaulting the woman near a trash bin after they drank heavily at a fraternity party. The woman had passed out and Turner was on top of her when confronted by two graduate students passing by on bicycles. They chased and tackled him when he tried to flee, holding him on the ground until police arrived.

A jury in March found Turner guilty of three felony sexual assault counts. Judge Santa Clara County Judge Aaron Persky sentenced him to six months in jail, citing the "extraordinary circumstances" of Turner's youth, clean criminal record and other considerations in departing from the minimum sentence of two years in prison. Prosecutors had argued for six years.

He ended up serving three months.

Turner's case exploded on social media and ignited a debate about campus rape and the criminal justice system after the victim's 7,200-word letter to Turner that she read in the courtroom during sentencing was published online.

"I want to show people that one night of drinking can ruin two lives," she wrote. "You and me. You are the cause, I am the effect."

Following Turner's release from jail, Sheriff Laurie Smith said she believed his sentence was too light. "He should be in prison right now, but he's not in our custody," she told reporters.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.