Black Friday Occupied by More Shoppers Than Protesters

Stores across the U.S. seem to be occupied only by shoppers this Black Friday despite a call for protestors to disrupt the busiest shopping day of the year.

The Occupy Wall Street movement announced last week their plan to “Occupy Black Friday” at stores across the country but as of mid-morning shopping was not hindered by the anti-greed movement.

There were no major reports of Occupiers taking over malls and stores across the U.S. except for a group in front of Macy’s in New York City’s Herald Square where a larger rally is expected later Friday Afternoon.

Many outlets have banned tents from the front of the stores fearing that protestors might be pretending to be shoppers while they wait for the doors to open to begin their campaign.

Some groups were expected to show up at malls and stores dressed as “corporate zombies” in a clever form of protest.

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The Occupy movement called for a series of protests, marches, and flash mobs at national retail chains and urging shoppers to purchase items and gifts from smaller local businesses.

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