Good morning and welcome to Fox News’ morning newsletter, Fox News First. Subscribe now to get Fox News First in your email. And here's what you need to know to start your day ...

PERSONAL CHOICE - Biden when asked if people should wear masks on airplanes after a Trump-appointed judge rejected his federal transportation mandate, responded, "that's up to them." Continue reading …     

'ALL TALK AND NO ACTION' – Brooklyn subway shooting shows NYC's ongoing struggle to grapple with mental health, crime surge, experts say, faulting Mayor Eric Adams. Continue reading …

TREADING WATER - Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media are moving away from Biden as the once-prominent narrative that he’s right for the job has faded. Continue reading …

CEASEFIRE REJECTED - Russia rejected temporary cease-fire the UN secretary general requested for civilian evacuation during Eastern Orthodox Holy Week. Continue reading …

DUFFEL BAG MURDER MANHUNT - The manhunt for person who killed a Queens, N.Y., mom intensified when electrician said house was outfitted with cameras and a basement entrance. Continue reading …



FUNDING ‘ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE’ - Last year, the government awarded COVID-19 funds to some projects with little to do with addressing the pandemic. Continue reading …

'RACIST ATTACK' - Local, regional leaders write to California congressional candidate Jay Chen calling for apology for commenting on Rep. Michelle Steel’s accent. Continue reading …

SEAN HANNITY - "Biden's presidency -- it is full-out imploding, but apparently no one told Joe Biden," the Fox News host said Tuesday night. Continue reading …

LAURA INGRAHAM – Fox News host speculated about why liberals "love the COVID lockdowns," saying the pandemic "gave them an excuse to force change on the American people." Continue reading …

ABORTION STATE WARFARE - The Connecticut House passed a bill protecting some residents against potential claims under Texas' law against abortion. Continue reading …



CONWAY’S TAKE – Trump presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway said Biden's got nobody happy while the only thing declining more than his approval is Biden himself. Continue reading …

BIDEN’S OPT OUT – CBS’ Jan Crawford says after judge’s ruling, Biden can now end an unpopular mask mandate without taking responsibility or alienating allies. Continue reading …

WHY IS BIDEN FAILING? - Washington Post’s Perry Bacon Jr. wrote that he doesn’t understand why Biden admin policies are "failing," believes they’re "popular." Continue reading …

NETWORKS RIP JUDGE - MSNBC, ABC and NBC ripped into Trump-appointed federal judge responsible for striking down the federal mask mandate for airlines. Continue reading …

ILLEGAL SWIM – Univision’s Edicion Digital Sunday spotlighted a swim coach who trains migrants how to navigate the Rio Grande and cross the U.S. border. Continue reading …



RICK HESS - Biden admin found time to assail public charter schools, denounce state tests as an attack on public schools and give a taxpayer handout for college loans. Continue reading …

TUCKER CARLSON – Although Libs of TikTok Twitter's feed was getting good results, the Biden admin decided it needed to be shut down. Continue reading …

GREG GUTFELD - Nothing says tough on crime like getting a ringing endorsement from a convicted murderer. Continue reading …

ROBERT SPALDING - The Cold War 2.0 reboot is far more perilous than the first Cold War’s fight against Soviet-era dogma and military expansion. Continue reading …

JONATHAN TURLEY - The cheering of airline passengers and pilots after the mask mandate fell seemed as much as a message to the administration as it was a celebration. Continue reading …



HOUSING CRASH IMMINENT? - The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas made headlines in recent weeks after warning that there are signs of a "brewing U.S. housing bubble." Continue reading …

STUDENTS ON LOAN DEBT - College students were split on whether they supported loan forgiveness, but agreed that paying off debt wouldn't solve rising tuition costs. Continue reading …

RICE’S DRAFT WORRIES - "To be honest, I never thought I was going to get drafted," NFL legend Jerry Rice said. "I downplayed everything." Continue reading …

LISTENED TO GOD – Oklahoma couple took a leap of faith, opening a farm-to-table restaurant during the COVID-19 pandemic. Continue reading …

'VIOLENT' AND ‘CRUEL’ - A look inside Johnny Depp's difficult childhood and rise to stardom in his own words. Continue reading …



What’s it looking like in your neighborhood?  Continue reading…



"This is why they [the LEFT] love the COVID lockdowns. It gave them an excuse to force change on the American people."












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This edition of Fox News First was compiled by Fox News' Jack Durschlag. Thank you for making us your first choice in the morning! We’ll see you in your inbox first thing Thursday.