Author claims husband had affair with Monica Lewinsky prior to Clinton

Because of his infidelity, she would soon inadvertently find herself in the middle of a presidential sex scandal when news of Lewinsky’s affair with Bill Clinton became public in January 1998.

In 1997, Kate Nason, then Bleiler, found out her husband Andy Bleiler was having two affairs: one with a colleague and another with a family friend named Monica Lewinsky.

Yes, that Monica.

"I had suspected my then-husband was having an affair with a co-worker," Nason told The Post. "I confronted him about it and he was gaslighting me," she said.

The co-worker showed up to their home and confirmed that nagging suspicion and more: He’d also been having a relationship with Lewinsky, then 23.

"I found out about both of them that day."

Kate Nason's new memoir "Everything Is Perfect" recounts her husband's affair with Monica Lewinsky. (Facebook)

Because of his infidelity, she would soon inadvertently find herself in the middle of a presidential sex scandal when news of Lewinsky’s affair with Bill Clinton became public in January 1998.

When the press discovered Bleiler — who worked at a Vancouver high school — and Lewinsky’s connection, her world was turned upside down — Nason’s privacy and anonymity becoming collateral damage.


"I was reeling from that discovery when January of 1998 happened," said Nason, who was in couples therapy with her husband after she learned of his affairs. "I got a call from my mother telling me she read a blurb about the [Bleiler and Lewinsky’s] affair in the LA Times … Before the end of the day, my voicemail was filled to capacity. The press showed up to our doorstep within hours."

In Nason’s new audio memoir "Everything Is Perfect," she recounts that painful period in her life as the mother of two young children, and how she learned to trust her gut in relationships.

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