Austin police: Shooter targets buildings downtown, prompts evacuation of police headquarters

Police tape marks off the scene after authorities shot and killed a man who they say opened fire on the Mexican Consulate, police headquarters and other downtown buildings early Friday, Nov. 28, 2014, in Austin, Texas. In the distance, police cars surround the suspect's vehicle parked near the Interstate 35 overpass. (AP Photo/Jim Vertuno) (The Associated Press)

In this photo provided by Claudia Y Hernandez, police tape marks off the scene after authorities shot and killed a man who they say opened fire on the Mexican Consulate, police headquarters and other downtown buildings early Friday, Nov. 28, 2014, in Austin, Texas. The gunman fired more than 100 rounds at downtown buildings early Friday before he died, Austin authorities said. (AP Photo/Claudia Y Hernandez) (The Associated Press)

In this photo provided by Claudia Y Hernandez, police tape marks off the scene after authorities shot and killed a man who they say opened fire on the Mexican Consulate, police headquarters and other downtown buildings early Friday, Nov. 28, 2014, in Austin, Texas. The gunman fired more than 100 rounds at downtown buildings early Friday before he died, Austin authorities said. (AP Photo/Claudia Y Hernandez) (The Associated Press)

Police in Austin say a shooter targeted multiple buildings downtown and prompted the evacuation of police headquarters before being shot.

According to the police department's verified Twitter account, the suspect's condition early Friday wasn't immediately known.

Austin TV station KXAN reports nearby Interstate 35 has been shut down in both directions as authorities investigate the shooting. Footage aired by the station showed a bomb squad robot in the street in front of police headquarters.

Austin police did not immediately return a call from The Associated Press.