Amber Alert issued for abducted 8-year-old Nebraska girl

This photo provided by the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety, shows Montserrat Aguirre. An Amber Alert has been issued for the 8-year-old Aguirre, of Tulsa, who was apparently snatched by a motorist from outside an apartment. Aguirre was playing on a swing set at about 7:20 p.m. Sunday, May 4, 2014, when a small white car pulled up and a white man got out, grabbed her and put her in the car before driving away. (AP/Oklahoma Department of Public Safety)

Authorities have issued an Amber Alert for an 8-year-old Tulsa girl who was apparently snatched by a motorist from outside an apartment.

Police spokeswoman Jillian Roberson says Montserrat Aguirre was playing on a swing set at about 7:20 p.m. Sunday when a small white car pulled up and a white man got out, grabbed her and put her in the car before driving away.

She says the car may have been a Ford Focus and that the man was wearing a brown hat and may have had a beard.

Montserrat was last seen wearing a white skirt with ruffles and a pink shirt.

Anyone with information is urged to call 918-596-2627.