
A group that advocates for religious liberty in the military says the U.S. Air Force Academy should cancel a planned speech by a Chick-fil-A executive.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation said Wednesday the company has a history of supporting anti-gay causes and that Rodney Bullard, a Chick-fil-A vice president and academy graduate, shouldn't speak at the school's upcoming leadership conference.

Bullard said the company and its charitable foundation don't fund anti-gay programs. He says Chick-fil-A's foundation funds programs to help children in poverty, including groups that work with LGBQT youth.

Chick-fil-A has faced accusations that it is anti-gay since 2012 when its president, Dan Cathy, publicly opposed gay marriage. The company has said Cathy's statements are his personal views.

The academy said it invited speakers with a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, and conference participants choose which talks to attend.