Abandoned puppies rescued by Georgia trooper, K9 partner

Three puppies dumped in an abandoned Atlanta subdivision were rescued by a state trooper and his K9 partner. (Georgia Department of Public Safety)

Three puppies dumped in an abandoned Atlanta subdivision got a second chance with the help of a state trooper and his K9 partner.

A Georgia State Patrol trooper was in a southwest section of the city Monday in a "known stolen car dumping ground" when he came across the group in a briar patch, the Georgia Department of Public Safety said in a Facebook post.

The trooper, identified by DPS at TFC1 Ennis, "knew no one was coming for them," so he and his K9 partner brought the puppies to headquarters were they were all quickly adopted.

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In the Facebook post, the DPS said while "a trooper never knows what he may encounter on a shift, but a day with puppies is a good day."