A visit with newest Trump family addition, who has his grandfather's hair

The newest addition to the Trump clan already has a family marker – his grandfather’s famous hair.

Little Eric Luke, the one-month-old son of Eric and Lara Trump, has plenty of blond hair, with a longish tuft on top and combed forward.

“He's a great baby, he really does not cry that much, he's so sweet... and he has a lot of hair,”  Lara Trump told Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt during an interview in their home in New York that aired Friday on Fox and Friends.

Apparently he has more hair than most babies.

— Lara Trump

“Apparently he has more hair than most babies,” she said.

"The Trump hair," said Eric Trump, 33, the third of the president’s five children.

"The Trump hair," noted Lara, who is 35 and a former television producer.

It’s not just little Eric Luke who has begun life with a well-known Trump quality – his father said that he, too, had it as a baby.

"I did and it was bleach blonde,” he told Fox. “He takes after me in that way.”

Lara Trump said that Luke was her paternal grandfather's name.

She and Eric dated for six years before tying knot at Mar-a-lago in 2014.