
The National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City will build a permanent dedication to remember workers who aided the rescue and recovery efforts at Ground Zero in 2001.

In a press release on Tuesday, the 9/11 museum announced plans to create a permanent dedication in the Memorial Glade, the grassy area near the Survivor Tree used for gatherings and ceremonies.


The dedication has been in the works for several months, according to the press release, and will “expand on existing exhibitions and programming that examine the impact the 9/11 disaster has on the health of those who were exposed, including first responders, workers, survivors, residents and others.”

“Thousands of people converged at the World Trade Center Site immediately after the attacks to show the world that our city and our country were not defeated,” said former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, whose group, Bloomberg Philanthropies, is helping to fund the dedication. “We owe these men and women of the recovery a great debt of gratitude and they deserve a fitting tribute for their courage, sacrifice and bravery.”

New York Gov. Cuomo said this permanent dedication will ensure the rescue workers and first responders “who embody the best values of New Yorkers … will never be forgotten.”


"Many rescue and recovery workers will tell you that they responded to Ground Zero because they felt a duty to act," said former Daily Show host Jon Stewart, who is a member of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum Board. "Without regard for their own health and wellbeing and with no demand for recognition, these men and women played a critical role in helping us all in New York and across the country get back on our feet. Today thousands are living with serious illnesses and dying at an alarming rate. I'm thrilled this is finally happening, that this dedication will give them the recognition they're due."

Plans for the memorial were announced on May 30, 2017 – exactly 15 years since recovery operations at the World Trade Center ended in 2002.