6 Ways to Avoid Hiring the Next Ryan Lochte

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Mark Fidelman explains the six key factors to look for before hiring your next influencer.

To start off, Fidelman says that it's important to do your research. By checking out previous campaigns that the influencer has done and asking for referrals, you'll get a more realistic view of the person. Next, check out the influencer's followers and make sure they align with your brand. Are these followers engaging with the influencer?

Checking the quality of an influencer's content, various social channels and target audience will give you an idea of whether or not this person could maximize the success of your marketing efforts.

Finally, Fidelman says to ask the influencer for ideas. What can this person contribute?

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To avoid hiring the next Ryan Lochte, click play to learn how you can find the right influencer for your brand.

Watch more videos from the folks at Fanatics Media on their YouTube channel here.

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