5 Ways to Determine Which Applicants Will Be Loyal Employees

Job hopping is now expected among professionals. In fact, LinkedIn’s March survey of more than 26,000 members found that job seekers don’t expect to stay with their employer for more than three years. But while company loyalty seemingly declines, there are still plenty of professionals out there who stay with their organizations.

Employees, who are motivated by purpose, rather than money or status, are much more likely to stick around.

According to the LinkedIn survey, 73 percent of those who find personal fulfillment in their work and want it to have an impact on the world, are satisfied with their jobs. They also tend to accept a job because of company culture, mission and values.

Here’s how to attract these mission-driven job seekers.

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1. Get specific about purpose, values and mission.

Sixty-one percent of employees surveyed by Achievers don’t even know their company mission, and 57 percent said they aren’t motivated by it. However, during the hiring process, it is essential to make the company mission a priority. While many employees may not care about the mission, the ones who do care are those who will remain for the long-term.

A study published in Global Business Review in April looked at 480 IT professionals across India and found that leaders, who inspire meaningful work, improved commitment to the organization and employee performance.

One way to achieve this is to identify and share with job seekers the company mission and how it will lead to opportunities for them to work on meaningful projects. Use memorable phrases when describing mission, but also talk about how the company is working to reach those goals. Cite specific examples to really pique their excitement for the company.

2. Share purpose through employer branding.

After hearing about a job, nearly 60 percent of candidates first turn to a company’s website to learn more before applying, according to the aforementioned LinkedIn survey. Additionally, 34 percent of candidates read articles online about the company. A strong employer brand, with an emphasis on the company mission, will attract candidates who have done their homework.

One way to strengthen employer branding is with a tool like Recruitee, a site that integrates employer branding, job promoting, talent sourcing and applicant tracking into one platform. Create a brand that draws attention to the company mission. In addition to building a branded career site, call out the culture and values in job descriptions and social profiles. Make the mission a key feature of the employer brand across the web.

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3. Share purpose with candidates.

In a survey of 7,700 millennials from 29 countries around the world conducted by Deloitte, 56 percent said they have ruled out working for an organization because of its values. What’s more, 70 percent believe their personal values are shared by the organizations they work for.

Among those who said they will stay with their employer for more than five years, 88 percent said they feel a sense of purpose. In the earliest conversations with candidates, whether through email, social media or face-to-face, place an emphasis on the company mission by calling it out in your job descriptions and specifically talking about the key messages.

Say to candidates, “Our company strives to accomplish these goals, and here is how...”

Those who feel connected to the goals of the company will be more interested in the job opportunity, and be most likely to stay with the organization for the long-term.

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4. Focus on goals in the interview.

The interview is the best opportunity to ensure alignment between a candidate’s values and the company values. During the interview, share the company mission statement and ask candidates how their own values compare.

Some questions to consider asking to facilitate this goal include the following.

  • What made you want to apply for this position?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What are your ideal qualities of a job?
  • What is something you strongly believe?

Each of these questions can help uncover the candidate’s core values.

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5. Seek candidates who are passionate about the company.

You can tell a lot about a candidate based on their resume and interview, but don’t forget to check out their personal brand online. A strong candidate is more than their skills and experience.

Use social media to search for things they’ve said about your company or industry. What do they share about their values? Compile all of these nuggets to paint a picture of the candidate, and use it to determine if they will be a good fit.

In a time where good workers often leap from company to company, it is possible to find those who will be loyal employees. Strong company values are the key to retaining them.