3 bikini baristas arrested at Washington coffee stand

The service at a bikini espresso stand in Washington state was a little too hot, according to police.

Three baristas at the Hillbilly Hotties coffee stand in Everett were arrested Wednesday on charges of lewd conduct and violating the city’s adult cabaret law. Police spokesman Aaron Snell told KOMO that authorities received complaints the women were exposing body parts and that “inappropriate things” were being done at the location.

A 20-year-old and 21-year-old are facing charges of violating the city's adult cabaret law. A 33-year-old was arrested for investigation of lewd conduct.

“There was a definite sense of they were willing to do more for extra money, and the way they carried themselves with male customers when they were in front of me,” Jennifer Faris, who buys coffee at a nearby stand, told KOMO.

Police declined to discuss what involvement — if any — the owner of the stand had in the alleged crimes.

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“We’re talking about quality of life issues here, and that’s what was being investigated,” Snell told KOMO.

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