2 teens shot by hunter unloading rifle in woods behind Pennsylvania high school

Authorities say two teenagers were shot in eastern Pennsylvania by a man who says his rifle accidentally discharged while he was unloading it.

The state Game Commission says the bullet passed through a 14-year-old girl's left knee and entered the abdomen of a 15-year-old boy Tuesday night in a wooded area behind Tamaqua Area High School.

The teens were taken by helicopter to hospitals for treatment.

There's no immediate word Wednesday on their conditions. Officials did not release their names.

The Game Commission said Wednesday that a 52-year-old Tamaqua man told investigators he was unloading his rifle when the weapon accidentally fired.

The Game Commission says it's too early to say if he'll face charges.

A Schuylkill (SKOO'-kul) County 911 supervisor had mistakenly described the wounded teens Tuesday night as hunters.