
In 1988, daredevils AJ Hackett and Henry van Asch created the world’s first commercial bungee jump in Queenstown, New Zealand: the Kawarau Bridge Bungy at just 439 feet high.

Think that’s a challenge? Think again.

Close to 30 years later and however you spell it, bungee (or bungy) jumping continues to be a worldwide addiction for adrenaline lovers and for those looking to give themselves the ultimate challenge, with elevations reaching as high as 700 feet. You can throw yourself over rivers, leap out into stunning gorges, or even hurtle from shaky suspension bridges that sway with the slightest breeze.

Take a look at some of the world’s scariest bungee spots. Go on. We dare ya.

1. Victoria Falls Bridge: Livingstone, Zambia/Zimbabwe



Sure, you may have taken a selfie, straddling the border of two countries — but how about bungee jumping between two countries? Risk-takers leap from the Victoria Falls Bridge, stretching between Zimbabwe and Zambia with Victoria Falls Bungee. Get ready to dive 364 feet and fall toward the crocodile-filled Zambezi river below. Despite the bungee cord snapping for an Aussie tourist three years ago, the jump off the Victoria Falls Bridge is a must-do for the ultimate daredevil.

2. Action Valley: Cusco, Peru


(Action Valley)

Part of the thrill of this jump, operated by Action Valley, is that it lacks, er, what many travelers refer to as the appropriate safety measures that you might find elsewhere. A creaky, red cage wobbles back and forth as it brings you from the bottom of a valley in the Peruvian Andes to a deck 400 feet above ground. Whiplash included.

3. Nevis Highwire Bungy: Queenstown, New Zealand


(Alexandra E. Petri)

At 439 feet, this is one terrifying bad boy, and so much of it lies in the buildup. A bus takes you uphill along narrow, winding roads (while your heart beats wildly, of course) until you arrive at the site, located deep within a canyon. After a debriefing, a couple of jumpers pile into a cable car for a slow ride (pray it isn’t a windy day) to a pod hanging in the air smack in the middle of a canyon and suspended by cable wires. We hope you aren’t afraid of heights. The original bungee king AJ Hackett operates the Nevis.

4. Bhote Kosi River Jump: Tatopani, Nepal


(Facebook/Bungy Nepal)

It’s the Last Resort bungee. No, really. This heart-stopping option, situated 524 feet above Nepal’s Bhote Kosi River in a spectacular gorge, is part of the Last Resort outfitters, which also has other activities like whitewater rafting and provides accommodation. Jumpers plummet face first from a suspension bridge toward the raging river below. Sound scary? We think so, too, but try to take in the scenery before you make the leap.

5. Europabrücke: Innsbruck, Austria


(Facebook/Rupert Hirner Bungy Jumping)

Translated to “Europe’s Bridge,” the Europabrücke Bridge bungee hovers 629 feet above the Sill River in the Wipp Valley and is a definite change of pace from exploring museums and churches. Rupert Hirner Bungy Jumping is the best option for those looking to take the plunge.

6. Bloukrans Bridge: Tsitsikamma, South Africa

Bloukrans River bridge (216 m) highest bungee-jumping point in t

Bloukrans River bridge (216 m) highest bungee-jumping point in the world (iStock)

Follow in the footsteps of legends including Kelly Slater, Prince Harry, and Andy Irons by doing the Bloukrans Bungy, the world’s highest commercial bridge jump at 708 feet high. Think you’re brave enough? Well, there is only one way to find out. The operator to use: Face Adrenaline.

7. 007 Jump at Verzasca Dam: Tinco, Switzerland


(Facebook/Bungy Jumping 007 Goldeneye)

Channel your inner James Bond with the 007 Jump, named for its cameo in in the movie GoldenEye. Located at Switzerland’s Verzasca Dam, this spy-worthy spot is 720 feet high and operated by Trekking Team. Beware: Stunt doubles are not included.

8. AJ Hackett Macau Tower Bungy Jump: Macau


(Facebook/AJ Hackett Macau Tower)

The truly daring can challenge themselves to soar from the world’s highest bungee jump. At 764 feet, the AJ Hackett Macau Tower Bungy Jump is so high, you can see the Great Wall of China from the top. Just kidding. But you can basically see all of Macau as you spiral toward the ground.

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