When snow meets yoga, it makes 'snowga'

<b>Snow-laxation </b> The idea of snowga was developed by Anne Anderson a certified ski and yoga instructor. The 90-minute class offered at Mohawk Mountain in Connecticut teaches you how to improve your skills on the slopes by incorporating yoga principles like meditation, breathing techniques and stretching poses.  (Mark Mirko/The Hartford Courant)

<b>Snowgis in Action</b> “Once I began to integrate yogic principles into my ski lessons, I discovered that my student’s fears were dissolving. Yoga has a natural benefit of healing- it calms the mind and body and is a true compliment to snow sports education,” Snowga instructor, Anne Anderson, told FoxNews.com. (©2011HartfordCourant)

<b>Revitalize </b> “People are drawn to the mountains because of their beauty and revitalizing spirit, so it makes sense to combine these benefits with those offered by doing yoga,” Dan Sherman, an industry insider from Ski.com, told FoxNews.com.  (Mark Mirko/The Hartford Courant)

<b>Circle Up</b> “I am all for people doing whatever they want on the hill,” Olympic gold medalist Jonny Moseley told FoxNews.com. “But I think the concept of yoga like moves to prepare for skiing is great,” Moseley added.  (Mark Mirko/The Hartford Courant)

<b>Fearless</b> Snowga founder, Anne Anderson, a certified ski and yoga instructor, boasts that snowga can help people with their fears on the mountain.  (Mark Mirko/The Hartford Courant)

<b>Snowga Exclusive</b> So far Snowga is only offered at Mohawk Mountain, but Anne Anderson does have plans to bring her new teachings to other mountains and even wants to develop a snowga kids program.  (Mark Mirko/The Hartford Courant)