Virgin America releases epic hip-hop pre-flight safety video


Be honest, when was the last time you actually watched a pre-flight safety video?

If you’re a frequent flier, you’ve likely memorized every line by now. So when Virgin America recently released their latest safety video, we couldn’t help but give them props for mixing up their instructional video with a rap and hip-hop remix.

The song is actually pretty catchy and the choreography features exit-aisle, break-dancing, gyrating flight attendants -- and let’s not forget the contortionist.  Bet that will get your attention.

The music is a mix of auto-tuned drum and bass, soul riffs and epic raps – one of which is rapped by a child before donning her oxygen mask.

At the end of it all, don’t be surprised to find yourself belting along with the chorus.

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“So tonight get ready to fly, cuz we’re gonna live it on up in the sky…”

[youtube DtyfiPIHsIg]

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