Travel study reveals vacation destinations where couples most likely to break up

If you want to stay with your significant other, it's probably best to avoid vacationing in Mexico, Spain and Portugal.

That’s according to a new review conducted by the travel booking site uncovering getaway destinations where couples are most likely to break up after visiting.

Couples who chose Mexico as their first trip away together were most likely to break up, the study said while late night party hotspot Ibiza, Spain was deemed the second-most likely destination to cause a split, followed by Portugal.

“Holidays to Mexico require a bit more of a splurge than some of the other destinations on the breakup list and Ibiza is known for its carefree-party vibes, so maybe frivolous spending and too much partying are what spells future trouble for relationships,” Chris Clarkson, Sunshine's managing director, told The Daily Mail.

But not all warm weather hot spots spell gloom and doom for couples.

Vacations to Tenerife (the largest of Spain’s Canary Islands), Cyprus and Italy, were less likely to cause trouble according to the study. Majorca and mainland Spain were also considered safe bets.

The study surveyed 2,187 people ages 18 and older from around the UK.

Of those surveyed, 1,056 respodents said they had broken up with a partner that they had gone away with in the past six months. The remaining 1,131 were still in a relationship of three years or more, during which they traveled with their partner.


The study also reported that the average couple goes away together within five months of forming a relationship. The majority of those choose foreign destinations, instead of traveling within the U.K.

Other locations deemed risky for relationships included Cape Verde off the northwest coast of Africa and Lanzarote, one of the Canary Islands off the coast of West Africa.

“It's interesting there was no crossover of destinations on both lists, as this makes me think perhaps there really is some truth in this,” Clarkson stated.

“Those wishing to enjoy a long and lasting, happy relationship with their new partners should look at booking places like Tenerife and Italy for their first trip with their amore, if this study is anything to go by; but Mexico should definitely be avoided!”

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