Spirit flight attendant entertains passengers with stand-up comedy during delay

A Spirit flight attendant entertained passengers with some stand-up comedy during a delayed flight. (Rod Leon Amerkhanov)

Passengers on a Spirit Airlines flight were in for a few laughs when the flight attendant turned his announcements into a comedy routine.

Rod Leon Amerkhanov, who was on the plane departing from Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport last month, posted a video of the employee providing free entertainment as the plane was waiting to get the all-clear for departure.

“Flight delayed, A/C is broken, babies are crying, everyone is moody,” Amerkhanov described the May 19 Atlanta-bound flight.


“Way to raise passengers’ spirit... stand-up comedy on board,” he wrote.

In the video, two male flight attendants are standing at the front of the plane, with one them holding the intercom and giving his remarks before takeoff.

“A lot of times people like to stand here and stretch their legs because we have no leg space,” he says, gesturing to the area at the front of the plane. “You got to leave. Nothing personal, just leave,” he says.

The attendant then goes on to explain to passengers where the restroom is located and how to use it.

“In the lavatory on the back of the wall there’s a [button] that says ‘flush’ so please push that button every single time,” he says.

“For some of you, push it twice. You know who you are. I’m not judging, just do what you got to do.”

He also demonstrates how to close the door so it doesn’t make a loud noise and wake up the sleeping babies on board.

“Do it for the children. Because we are the world. We are the children,” he quips, referencing the '80s song.

He then decides to poke fun at his employer for their less than stellar customer service record, telling passengers there’s probably no point in using the call button.

“Just recently we have been rated once again as the worst airline for customer service in the United States, so I wouldn’t bother pushing that button,” he says.

“We’re the best at the worst, OK? And I’m alright with that. If we were the best I would have to act professional right now and I just can’t do that…Let’s just get that straight, because I’m just here for the money.”

As he’s telling passengers how to prepare for the hour and half flight, he jokes about some ways to make it more enjoyable, including Lunesta, Trazodone, Percocet, Darvocet, Quaaludes, Xanax, Klonopin, Vicodan, and a few more prescription pills.

“That’s just what I’ve taken today,” he says.

He then recommends offering one of the drugs to your neighbor, but cautions those sitting next to children. “Just do like my mom used to. She broke it in half and gave it to me and I was OK. I always woke up,” he says.


He finishes up by thanking everyone for “getting through the jungle with us” and says that “Spirit does not take cash but I am not Spirit. I take cash, OK?”

Passengers responded to the attendant with chuckles and claps.

Spirit Airlines did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

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