Snails and snakes among items left behind by hotel guests

Among some of the things left behind at hotel rooms were snails in a Budapest hotel room and $10,000 in cash found hidden in a U.S. hotel. (iStock)

Sure, we've all forgotten cell phone chargers and passports in hotels, only to be discovered they were missing long after check out.

But a new survey reveals that some bizarre items have been found in hotel rooms, including animals, money --even family members.

The poll conducted by the online travel company of 500 hotels around the world found among the most bizarre items guests forgot in the hotel rooms were snails which were left behind in a Budapest hotel room.  In a U.S. hotel, another guest left behind $10,000 in cash, which was found hidden in the room. A hotel in Washington was shocked to discover a live snake in a room, News.Com.Au reported.

A man in a Prague hotel left his wife behind and another forgot his mother was with him and left without her, according to the survey.

A dog was left behind by its owner in Milan, a wedding dress was forgotten in New York and a police officer left his gun and badge in a Las Vegas hotel room.

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Kathy Dover, head of brand and public relations for UK and Ireland, said: "It comes as no surprise that hotel guests sometimes forget to pack all of their belongings; however we were incredibly surprised by some of the items - and in some cases people - left behind."