Shoot travel pictures of your kids like a pro

"Find unique and fun ways to photograph your kids on vacation," said <a target="_blank" href="">Nicole Hill Gerulat</a>, commercial kids photographer and owner of Nicole's Classes. "Here, I used an underwater camera to capture all sorts of fun poses." (Nicole Hill Gerulat )

"Being silly can often bring the sweetest photos that allow you to capture natural smiles," said Gerulat. (Nicole Hill Gerulat)

"Don't forget to include photos with siblings and parents," said <a target="_blank" href="">Nicole Hill Gerulat</a>, commercial kids photographer and owner of Nicole's Classes. "You'll treasure those later." (Nicole Hill Gerulat)

"Remember to include the location in your composition," said Gerulat. "New photographers often zoom in tight to only see the child's face and miss the beautiful environment they visited." (Nicole Hill Gerulat)

"Is your child being grumpy? If you can't switch the frown to a smile, capture it anyway," said Gerulat. "You'll laugh about it later." (Nicole Hill Gerulat)

"If your child will not smile, try having them "race" or run towards you," said Gerulat.  "Jumping up and down sometimes works, too." (Nicole Hill Gerulat)

"Remember that not every family photo needs to be smiling at the camera," said<a target="_blank" href=""> Nicole Hill Gerulat</a>, commercial kids photographer and owner of Nicole's Classes. "Capturing your child's explorations will preserve beautiful memories." (Nicole Hill Gerulat)