What's worse: Breaking up on a plane or live-tweeting it?
'Red Eye' panel debates passenger publicizing couple's fight
A note to all the future heartbreakers out there: If you’re going to dump your partner, it’s probably best to wait until you’ve stepped off your flight.
Take just a second to think about it. First, you’re surrounded by snoopy strangers. OK, that doesn’t deter you? Think about the fact that your probably distraught ex will be stuck next to you in a confined and already unpleasant space. For hours. And they will want answers.
This is exactly what happened to one poor ex-couple who had their horribly awkward breakup — which started at Raleigh Airport in North Carolina and continued into the sky — live tweeted in excruciating detail by a captivated onlooker.
“This is the greatest plane delay I’ve ever had,” the onlooker — New Yorker Kelly Keegs — said of the unexpected in-flight show.
Read the tweets and cringe.
The guy tells the woman to calm down. The woman responded by saying she just really thought this was going to go somewhere.
Then, a plot twist.
Wait, who’s Charlotte?
But wait, there was another plot twist!
This story originally appeared on news.com.au.