Norfolk airport police find girl's lost stuffed dog, take him on an adventure

When a little girl left behind her favorite stuffed animal at the airport, the police took him on an adventure and documented the whole thing for her. (Kelly Bridges)

When a little girl left behind her beloved stuffed dog at the Norfolk International Airport in Virginia, police officers stepped in to save the day, tracking down the small furry toy and taking him on an adventure, documenting the whole thing.

Eight-year-old August “Gussie” Bridges was in the car on the way home with her parents Kelly and Jonathan when she realized she’d forgotten her dog Cookie Dough on a table in the terminal.

“I thought she was going to cry,” Kelly told The Virginian-Pilot. “She had just got it a few weeks ago out of one of those claw machines at Chicho’s Pizza with her dad and she was really attached to it.”


Kelly said she called the lost and found and was told the airport police would go search for the missing stuffed dog. Shortly after, the airport police called to inform her Cookie Dough had been located and was safe.

When Kelly took Gussie to pick up Cookie Dough a few days later, they discovered he’d been on quite the adventure in his time away.

“She went to pick it up today and they gave her this book and I about cried. Norfolk International Airport you all are awesome,” Kelly wrote on Facebook, along with photos of a hand-made booklet the officers had printed for Gussie, titled “The Adventures of Cookie Dough at the Norfolk Airport.”

(Kelly Bridges)

The airport police had dubbed Cookie Dough an honorary police officer, dressing him up in a uniform and taking him all over the airport, posing him for pictures on the luggage carousel, sliding down the escalator railing and more.

(Kelly Bridges)

(Kelly Bridges)

“I’m having so much fun…but I still miss you so much!” one line in the book reads below pictures of Cookie Dough riding in the police car.

(Kelly Bridges)

“I got really hungry…but no worries. They fed me!” another page reads below photos of Cookie Dough next to an apple.

(Kelly Bridges)

Kelly told the Pilot the officers said Cookie Dough had been on lots of adventures, but she never expected anything like this.

(Kelly Bridges)

“We knew that the girl’s parents had communicated that she was upset about the lost toy, so the dispatcher and police officers just wanted to put a special touch on returning the toy,” Steve Sterling, deputy executive director of administration and operations for the Norfolk Airport Authority, told the Pilot.


Gussie was thrilled to have her favorite toy back and her mom was touched by the thoughtful gesture. “It meant a lot to all of us,” Kelly told the Pilot. “It was just awesome what they did for Gussie.”

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