Jack Kerouac's grave in Lowell, Mass. (AP)
LOWELL, Mass. – A new memorial has arisen near "On the Road" author Jack Kerouac's burial site.
The 3,000-pound granite monument in Lowell's Edson Cemetery sits near the Beat generation writer's nondescript grave marker flush with the ground, which has become one of the city's most visited attractions. Kerouac died in 1969 at age 47.
The memorial is engraved with the Lowell native's signature as well as the words "The road is life."
John Sampas, Kerouac's brother-in-law and the executor of Kerouac's estate, decided to put up the memorial.
Sampas says "Jack would love it."
Lowell Parks and Recreation Commissioner Tom Bellegarde says people come from all over the world to visit the gravesite of Kerouac and wife, Stella. The city Cemetery Department even has directions to the site for visitors.