Is the bizarre Sky Whale the future of air travel?

AWWA “Sky Whale,” is a concept airplane from Spanish designer and aviation enthusiast Oscar Viñals. (Oscar Viñals)

The Sky Whale would be made with high tech materials, such as ceramic or fiber composites, carbon nanotube and be equipped with fiber optic cabling to self-healing skin. (Oscar Viñals)

The Sky Whale has “self-healing wings,” “virtual reality windows,” room for up to 755 passengers. (Oscar Viñals)

It it a bird?  Is it a plane?

Wait a minute, it's a what? A whale plane?!

That's right, a bizarre new design has been unveiled for a passenger plane shaped like the majestic mammal.

Created by Spanish designer Oscar Vinals, the AWWA Sky Whale would be bigger than the Airbus A380 jumbo jet, and would be more technologically advanced.

The whale design is such a leap from the norm that it has even been described by technology website as looking "more like something thought up for the "Transformers" movie franchise than a legitimate aircraft".

According to Vinals, double-decker planes are so yesterday. The belly of his plane would be so round that it could fit three levels and 755 passengers. The decks would be divided according to class - first class at the top, business in the middle and economy at the bottom. Of course.

It would also feature engines that Vinals claims would be able to tilt up to 45 degrees and make it possible for the plane to take off on the spot, leading to the end of runways as we know them.

And if it crashes the passenger section of the aircraft would separate from the wings, to hopefully limit the number of deaths.

Even cooler, it would have a 'self-healing' skin, although it hasn't been explained how this would be possible.

The wings would reach 289 feet, compared to 262 feet of the Airbus A380.

There is one downside: some passengers would have to go without windows, but never fear, instead there would be 'virtual reality' screens to show different settings.

The plane will also be more efficient than current aircraft thanks to a hybrid turbo-electric propulsion system, and its curves will reduce drag.

So, just what will they think of next?