Conde Nast readers vote Charleston the world's top tourism town

Charleston, S.C. was voted as the world's top tourist town by Conde Nast. (iStock)

Last year, readers of Conde Nast Traveler magazine voted Charleston the top tourist town in the United States.

This year, they went one better.

The magazine announced its readers have now voted Charleston the top tourist destination in the world. The designation is based on a poll of about 47,000 readers of the magazine who judge cities on a five-point scale. The categories include ambiance, friendliness, lodging, restaurants, culture/sites, and shopping.

They voted Cape Town, South Africa and Florence, Italy, as the number two and three choices.

Again this year, Charleston was also voted the top tourism destination in the United States.

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Charleston welcomes more than 4 million visitors a year.

"There are great hotels, great restaurants everywhere. To have that, and the history, plus super-friendly people? You can't get that anywhere else in the world," said Frank Fredericks,  chairman of the Charleston Area Convention and Visitors Bureau.