
In many Asian countries, squatting --rather sitting --in the bathroom is the norm. Think two foot holders and a hole –that’s about it.

That’s why fancy Western-style seat toilets can create a little confusion, as it did at this Chinese hotel in Changde in the Hunan Province.

According to RocketNews24, a traveler found this detailed how-to poster in the bathroom --which included not putting your head in the bowl.

He decided to share it on the Internet, writing: “I thought this was so funny and was cracking up, I had to hold my stomach for 3 minutes.”

The hotel, not to miss their chance at a little potty humor, had this classic response: “There are certainly people that would use the toilet by putting their feet on the toilet seat. So, while laughing to your heart’s content, be sure to follow the rules on how to use the toilet.”

Throne-style toilets are making inroads in Asia.  In China, you’ll find them in the larger cities and at most airports.  In Thailand, there’s even been a push to replace public squat toilets with Western models, with officials saying that they’re more sanitary and better on the knees.  But most Asian homes still use the squat-style toilets.

Still, it’s a bit disconcerting for some foreign visitors to find shoe marks on the toilet seat.  And then there’s the unspoken rule that you must carry your own toilet tissue or you’ll be left high –and not so dry.

For those who'd rather sit than squat, the Shanghai Toilet Guide is one app that uses GPS software to help users locate the closest throne-style toilet among the city's 8,000 public restrooms-and can even indicate whether stalls have toilet paper.

Now, that’s a flush!