Oct. 11, 2012: The tail sections of two American Airlines passenger jets as they taxi at Miami International Airport. (AP)
American Airlines is attempting a financial makeover in bankruptcy court and it's likely to roll out a new look for its airplanes as well this month.
It's part of a "rebranding" campaign by the airline, which is adding amenities for business-class and international travelers and ordering hundreds of new planes.
American is putting its latest Boeing jet into service on Jan. 31 between Dallas-Fort Worth and Brazil, prompting speculation that the new plane will bear a paint job differing from American's venerable livery of red, white and blue stripes on polished aluminum skin.
In an interview Wednesday, The Associated Press asked Thomas Horton, CEO of American parent AMR Corp., about the timing of the rebranding effort.
"We're rolling out the new (Boeing) 777-300 at the end of this month," he said, "and I don't think it's any great secret we intend to carry the new look on those airplanes."
Horton didn't offer any clues about colors or logos, which might seem trivial to many passengers but is the subject of much chattering among aviation geeks.