Will release of CIA report put Americans in danger?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 8, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Jesse Watters. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

In less than 24 hours, senate democrats are poised to release a declassified version of a report examining the use of alleged torture by the CIA. It's a decision that's going to cost lives, according to the chairman of the house intelligence committee.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think this is a terrible idea. So our foreign partners are telling us this will cause violence and deaths. Our foreign leaders have approached the government and said you do this, this will cause violence and death. Our own intelligence community has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths.


GUILFOYLE: The White House even admits it's going to put Americans and others abroad in great danger. But the president wants this report made public nonetheless.


JOSH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: There are some indications that the release of the report could lead to a greater risk that is posed to U.S. facilities and individuals all around the world. So the administration has taken the prudent steps to ensure that the proper security precautions are in place. That said the administration strongly supports the release of this declassified summary of the report. The president believes that on principle, it's important to release that report, so that people around the world and people here at home understand exactly what transpired.


GUILFOYLE: On the eve of the reports released, there is one president standing up for the CIA.


GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We're fortunate to have men and women who work hard at the CIA, serving on our behalf. These are patriots. And whatever the report says, if it diminishes their contribution to our country, it is way off-base.


GUILFOYLE: All right, Dana, I'm going to take this to you first.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: All right, the White House today from the podium is saying that it supports the release of the declassified report, but I think they're having to say that now because the report is going to come out, Dianne Feinstein, the senator, has made her decision, but it was just on Friday that the Secretary of State John Kerry personally called her and asked her to delay the release of it because of all the parade of horribles that Josh Earnest and the intel committee chairman were just talking about. I agree that people that were in the interrogation program at the CIA were asked to do really tough things. I believe that everything they did was legal and I know it was effective, and that was not just coming from me. That's coming from people like Leon Panetta who testified to that point and wrote also about it in his book. We did not get to the point in our country where President Obama could say in his re- election, al-Qaeda is on the run by accident. There are reasons and methods that were done to do this. I guess at this point, I realized that the report is going to come out. Now, Dianne Feinstein, the senator, she was a part of that original gang of 8, that was briefed on the intel in the interrogation measures, along with Pelosi and others. So it is curious to me, why now and why she felt that this is necessary, why it is necessary to declassify and not perhaps share it with people on other committees or both democrats and republicans, and in closed sessions. I can understand that.
I'm for that the type of democracy, but it's not that you're hearing from republicans that we are worried about loss of life, therefore don't issue this report. You're actually hearing this from our allies, countries that made really good but tough decisions to help America deal with terrorists that were all over the world and that we were able to track down because of their help.

GUILFOYLE: For example like Osama Bin Laden. Bolling.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: So I don't to dance around this. I'm happy that we're seeing it. I celebrate with the CIA did in the aftermath of 911, 3000 people lost their lives downtown. We were angry. America was on our heels, we didn't know what to do, and the CIA came forward and they aggressively interrogated legally, interrogated some bad guys, and they got some intel that led to the capture of Osama Bin Laden. Why are we apologizing for it? I'm not really sure. If it's tactics they don't like in the Obama administration, well, fine. That's fine, then go ahead and change it. If we don't like you, we'll change you next time, if we find out we're not as safe as we were under George Bush's presidency. As long as it is legal, and these guys are bad guys, they have shown that they're terrorists, go after them. Look, I am on record saying I'm in favor of water-boarding because it worked. You may not like it, you may not like the process, but it made people turn over information that made country safer.
So rather than apologizing for it, my concern is that we release it and say these are the tactics that we used to use, and we don't use it anymore.
These are the ones that you will not be subject to if you blow up and kill Americans. And I think that may be.


BOLLING: And that's going to be more dangerous than people getting mad at us. They already hate us, guys. They'll hate us anyway.


GUILFOYLE: So what's the point in releasing it, when there can be far greater harm than good?

BOLLING: Just for the sake of transparency.

GUILFOYLE: OK. You know what? I guess I care less about transparency when there are lives at stake and people who have given their all to sacrifice, blood for this country to be able to get intelligence that we can act on in real time. They're putting their lives at risk. And you have not only the United States and intelligence officials saying this, our allies are also joining in the request to withhold this information, what good can come from it now, Jesse?

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: Well, I think it's funny, the timing of it. Tomorrow, Jonathan Gruber is supposed to testify on the Hill.
Tomorrow, they may drop this big torture report. There's no coincidence.
It's a huge distraction. Also, the senate democrats, they are lame ducks.
This is their last chance to really put the screws to George Bush. And let's be honest, look what happened, Bush water-boarded terrorists, Obama's now releasing terrorists. He is letting them leave Gitmo, and going over to South America. But Dana was right, look what happened. They were briefed on this in 2002. Pelosi, all those people didn't say anything until it became politically opportune. Now, you have people coming out and say this is a big deal, and I don't understand because it's hypocritical. You can take people out, American citizens with drone attacks in other countries, but you don't want to capture them, put them like in a tropical place down in Gitmo and give them a Koran and let them play soccer. It doesn't make any sense.

GUILFOYLE: And then you want to prosecute and go after people on a witch- hunt, to put their lives on the line and did legally valid interrogation techniques that were able to get us actionable intelligence, and so instead, they're the bad guys. That's why I think it's so wrong about this process, and the timing seems very politically expedient, very partisan, and (inaudible), so they should take a look at themselves. Bob, what would you like to say?

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: I think that a lot of this information has been out and made public already and so it's not going to become a lot of news here. I don't blame them for saying to be careful when this comes out, although I think that's a state of readiness that already exists. I think the allies, they're talking about are countries like Saudi Arabia who clandestinely took certain prisoners and did the kinds of things to them that we as Americans would not do. I think if you're going to do something in the name of the American public, then the American public has the right to know what you're doing. And what you're doing in my view, not only out of the realm, inconceivable to me that we would as a country do these things, but I think the American people.


BOLLING: Play loud music, keep terrorists up for you know 24 to 36 hours straight, and you know they get disoriented, play loud music. That's all bad, we shouldn't be doing it. It's OK for them to kill 3,000 people in downtown.

BECKEL: I don't think you are quite (inaudible) what they do with what they do.

PERINO: The other part of this report is about renditions, so it's not just about the interrogations, but about renditions, meaning that you capture somebody and instead of bringing them to the United States, they are rendered to another state. That is the concern from the other allies about interrogations that they may have done on our behalf and passed information to us, or that we passed information to them.


PERINO: The Europeans that are complaining about American tactics, they al benefited from the interrogations and the information that our intel provided. But remember, the important thing on rendition, this started under Bill Clinton. Over the objections, the White House counsel at the time, Bill Clinton and Al Gore overruled that and told the CIA to do exactly what they had to do in order to protect Americans, to destroy al- Qaeda. That was actually the language in the report.

GUILFOYLE: And they did the job.

PERINO: In addition to this, it comes at a time when we are dealing with increased threats from ISIS, al-Qaeda 2.0. This is not an episode of Homeland. There are actually lives on the line, people that are not just Carrie Mathison, the actress.


PERINO: You know, people who spend their entire lives dedicated to the country to protect us, things we will never know that they do to protect us, so that we can have the benefit of the lives we have now, the same people who thought that the leaks by Ed Snowden were a good idea and they weren't a problem. You look at something like in Brazil, where you have the president of Brazil who canceled a state dinner with the United States over just the gathering of intelligence of other countries. This to me is so much worse. And I'm surprised and it's uncharacteristic of Senator Feinstein.


GUILFOYLE: I get it.


GUILFOYLE: This is former CIA chief Michael Hayden and shedding some light on this situation and what could be the fall-out from it. Take a listen.


MICHAEL HAYDEN, FORMER CIA DIRECTOR: First of all, the CIA workforce will feel as if it has been tried and convicted in absentia, since the senate democrats and their staff didn't talk to anyone actively involved in the program. Bob, there are countries out there who have cooperated with us on the war on terror, at some political risk, who are relying on American discretion. I can't imagine anyone out there going forward in the future who would be willing to do anything with us that even smacks of political danger.


GUILFOYLE: So there are direct repercussions that we will see, not only to lives of our people that are engaged in covert operations that need cover to do their job effectively, but also the people we are relying on. Now, America is the biggest kiss and tell.

BECKEL: On the other hand, I mean, what you're saying here is that people are not going to be willing to do what they shouldn't have been done in the first prays. That's number one. And number two, you all said that al-Qaeda was decimated -- oh, was not decimated. They were spread out all over the reason and yet, now you are saying because of this, they're gone.


PERINO: Oh, Bob. He was making a point to make fun of President Obama. He ran for an entire year telling us that al-Qaeda is dead when in fact, it very much is not, and reconstituted itself with ISIS, the most deadly and lethal force that the world has ever seen according to the secretary of defense.

BOLLING: So, Bob, I know you and I have both said we're in agreement with President Obama's drone program, right.


BOLLING: So it's OK to find a guy who you said was a bad guy, take him out with a drone and kill him. That's better than capturing him and bringing him back, and maybe leaning on him hard, yes, you give him a hard time, make him stay up, pour water on him, whatever you do to get some intel.


BECKEL: It's better than that than sending him to Saudi Arabia to torture chambers that are notorious.

BOLLING: Can we just talk about your reactions?


BOLLING: I'm talking about the Gitmo enhanced interrogation technique that the CIA used to get intel to keep the country safer. You think that was worse than taking the same people, and instead of bringing them back, just kill them?

BECKEL: Well, there are certain people you're not going to be able to get.

BOLLING: Yes or no?



WATTERS: All right, you know who started the rendition on the black side?
Bill Clinton and Al Gore. They started that.


WATTERS: You know what Obama did? He carved out an exemption which allows him to water board terrorists in a ticking time bomb situation.


WATTERS: Because after 9/11, there was a ticking time bomb situation every single day.

BECKEL: There are certain of us who don't believe that's the right thing to do. OK?


WATTERS: Do what? Pour water on their faces?



WATTERS: The Navy S.E.A.L.s have done that in training.


WATTERS: Maybe that's what Hillary meant when she said she wanted to empathize with the enemy.


GUILFOYLE: She doesn't like the three people that got water-boarded.


BECKEL: If you don't like my view, you don't like my view, that's what I'm saying.

WATTERS: I love your view. Just wrong.

GUILFOYLE: I don't. Ahead on The Five, Rolling Stone may have issued an apology to its readers, but should the magazine be held accountable for it's uncorroborated and accusations against a UVA fraternity? We're going to debate that next.


PERINO: Not only did Rolling Stone neglect to do its due diligence before publishing a gang rape story at UVA, the magazine also didn't get its apology right and has now revised it. In an initial letter to readers on Friday, remember what we talked about? Managing editor Will Dana said trust in a woman named Jackie was, "misplaced after learning about discrepancies in her account."

But over the weekend, that statement was changed to these mistakes are on Rolling Stone, not Jackie. Notably silent is founder and publisher, Jann Wenner, who declined to do interviews or offer a comment and in addition to that, Eric, the reporter Erdely, she has not been heard or seen from either. I wonder if they're just hoping that this story goes away, or if they're actually doing more review of the report before they make a full account.

BOLLING: Look, they have been completely caught with their pants down. As Howie Kurtz put so eloquently, they fell in love with the story, and they were in love with it so much, they failed to ask the questions is this true. They didn't even ask the accused where they were, the other side of the story. Rolling Stone blew it and that's kind of interesting. Because they have always said as long as we're going to fact check, they'll admit that they're a left wing, as far left as it goes, biased publication, but live for their bias because they say that they can back it up with facts.

Here's a point where they couldn't back it up with their facts. Here's the only fallout I'm concerned about is that campus rape is an issue. It's an epidemic. And with Rolling Stone blowing the whistle on someone that maybe wasn't actually raped, that the next person that comes forward and says I have this problem, this should be exposed, they go well, Rolling Stone had a problem with it, we're going to steer away from it. It's something that needs to be talked about and something that needs to be fixed. Hopefully, it's not on the Rolling Stone for screwing up the story that doesn't get better.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. Well, she ruined it. I mean how does she feel about it?
Because she was looking for this, shopping for the story, what it appears to be, going for this narrative that she wanted to put out there. I have a very serious problem that should be addressed. But now, we can't have that chilling effect. People are going to be wondering, doubting, especially, you know, what happened with this, terrible fallout from this kind of story coming out and being false. Now, they're investigating other stories that she did as well. And you know, sometimes sorry isn't good enough. This is one of those instances.

PERINO: Bob, Will Dana, the managing editor that we are taking about, he in
2006 gave a speech -- a commencement speech saying biased journalism is OK, because it makes you then I guess even more skeptical, but in this case, that didn't happen. They actually sought out the reporter to write a piece about campus rape because they thought it would be compelling. And he actually has said that he had an initial doubt when he first saw her reporting, but then he hasn't explained what happened next.

BECKEL: I mean, biased reporting is one thing, if you have facts to back it up.

GUILFOYLE: Right. That was his point to be stronger.

BECKEL: But in this case, look, take it in the context of where they were writing the story. There had been the release of stories of a number of rapes at University of Virginia that had been covered up. I'm sure Rolling Stone was saying hey, look this is all going on u now, let's put ours in the middle of this thing. Well, the truth of the matter is and what they probably did, as Eric and Kimberly said they may have dampened the investigation in these other people who in fact did get raped. So University of Virginia has a terrible track record on this. I'm not surprised that another news organization would jump on it. What surprises me is they jumped on it taking one source, and the Washington Post, the same newspaper that had that woman who got the Pulitzer Prize for writing a story about a woman in the Ghetto, do you remember that?



BECKEL: And then that got exposed as being untrue.

PERINO: After the story, Jesse that ran in Rolling Stone, the UVA immediately suspended all fraternities and sororities until January. There were rumors that they were even thinking of ending them all together. Those fraternities and sororities have gotten together and they have gone to the university and said we would like to be reinstated. Do you think that they should be?

WATTERS: Of course, and they will be. We think that this is going to happen. It is still early. Now, this guy (inaudible), I think the media is going to protect this guy. He's worth half a billion dollars, he is friends with Barry Diller, he is neighbors with Paul McCartney.

GUILFOYLE: He is friends with everybody.

WATTERS: He owns a men's journal, he owns US Weekly. He's got a ton of leverage in the business. I don't think a lot of people are going to be knocking down this guy's door. So he's trying to play quiet and try to keep things quiet. Now, as far as them getting reinstated, they probably will be, they should be.


GUILFOYLE: He's friends with everybody.

WATTERS: You've seen him out in the Hampton, I'm sure.


PERINO: I am a little low rent for the Hampton's.

GUILFOYLE: Name everybody from politicians to top entertainers in the world, to royalties, they all know him. They're all friends with them, they have all been to his place.

PERINO: Well, maybe the fallout will be that all of us will be a little bit more skeptical when we see a Rolling Stone's story. How about that? Just look at the cover.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Coming up, is President Obama uniting or dividing the country with his remarks about racism in America? You'll hear that on The Five next.


WATTERS: Racial tensions in America have been high over the past few weeks.
And instead of saying things to help calm the country, President Obama is only stirring things up. Listen to this new remark.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: When you're dealing with something as deeply rooted as racism or violence in any society, you got to have vigilance, but you have to recognize that it's going to take some time.


WATTERS: So he thinks America is deeply rooted in racism, but he doing nothing to help. According to a new poll, the majority of Americans the race relations have gotten worse since the Obama took office. One person who is not a fan of the president's race rhetoric, Rush Limbaugh.


RUSH LIMBAUGH: We have made all kinds of efforts to improve race relations in this country, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, we have affirmative action. We have bent over backwards. Is it all perfect? No, it's not. But there is no acknowledgment of any of the progress. If you listen to these people, the president, the mayor of New York, you would think it is 200 years ago.
And that is tearing this country apart. We have people to whom the truth is relative. The president taking sides in this in a way that further divides the country I find reprehensible and very unfortunate.


WATTERS: So, Kimberly.


WATTERS: Obama's racial track record here, how much responsibility do you think he has? He got kind of off and on the wrong foot with Americans, he called half of Americans bitter clingers (ph), had the Reverend Wright controversy right out of the gate. He sided against the cop in Cambridge.
How much responsibility does the president have?

GUILFOYLE: Did you say guns and religion? He's got not just the responsibility, but it's incumbent on him as the leader of the free world, the president of the United States, the commander-in-chief, to help instill order, to put competence in the American people, about this country, about all the accomplishments. What a unique opportunity in history this president had. And how did he blow it? Because all he's done with and I really feel strongly about this, with Eric Holder poked the cage saying Americans are racist, cops are racist, we're not doing a good enough job. I mean, look at the problems in Ferguson, that really could have been, maybe not completely prevented but not as bad as it ultimately ended up being, and here with the problem in New York, and now, we see riots in Berkeley, to try and say let's try to come together, let's focus on the positives and the accomplishments, how much we have done in this country to have understanding like the civil rights movement that Bob talks about.

WATTERS: And Bob, we talked about the civil rights movement, republicans are afraid to say anything critical of the president because they're going to get smeared as a racist. Do you understand why republicans and a lot of white Americans don't like to talk about race?

BECKEL: Sure. As usual, we selectively edited what Obama said here. We took out -- as you noticed, there was a clip there before he was about to say race relations have gotten much better in America in the last 50 years, but our producers chose to take that out. He said about Ferguson, that he asked people not to riot, and it was doing no good. It was only hurting those people who have black-owned establishments. He has come out and said many, many things, and one thing he has never said is that Americans are racist.

WATTERS: Well, you know, one of the things he has done, he has surrounded himself with a lot of really strange individuals. Listen to what Deneen Borelli said about Obama's racial leadership earlier on Fox News Channel.


DENEEN BORELLI: I can't tell you how outraged I am with President Obama and these so-called black leaders who are whipping up emotions across the country when it comes to race. Look at the representation of black Americans in corporate America, entertainment, sports, politics. Obama is in a unique position. He could have united our country, but unfortunately, he has made matters worse.


WATTERS: Eric, do you agree with that? He surrounded himself with Sharpton and Holder and Van Jones, these types of bomb throwers.

HOLDER: Well, we know Al Sharpton has visited the White House a bunch of times. And that's President Obama's fault in this, not necessarily what he's saying, but who he's associating himself with.

Al Sharpton literally said he was going to be involved in picking the next attorney general in between when Eric Holder announced that he was leaving.
That's ridiculous.

The real black leaders in American aren't Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson or the New Black Panther Party. The real black leaders are the thousands or more black pastors and ministers across the country. They're the ones who go to the pulpit every Sunday and talk. Those are the people that President Obama should be surrounding himself. Those are the people we should be putting on the FOX News Channel and talking to them, because those are the ones who are tapping into what the general population thinks.

Al Sharpton is losing the bluster. The more he goes on, and the more he continues to race bait and continue the rhetoric, people are starting -- black people are starting to say, OK, that's not helpful.

The family in Ferguson said, "Al Sharpton, you're not helpful anymore."

Bill de Blasio, using his son, saying, "My son of color, I worry about him with the NYPD," that doesn't help race relations in New York City.

The politicians and the race baiters who are using these -- these events to make their point, they're not representing the vast majority of black people anymore. We need to really expose what true black people in America are thinking, not Al Sharpton or de Blasio or the other bozos.

WATTERS: That's a good point. And a lot of this is politics, isn't it, Dana? You have the president trying to rally the base. He wants to turn out black voters. He doesn't always pay great lip service to white middle class values, and that may win elections, but it's hard to govern that way when you're dividing and conquering, right?

PERINO: I try to put myself in the shoes and, obviously, that's difficult for me to do, and I think it would be hard for him to put himself in my shoes. My 5.5 shoes.

I don't think race relations are as bad as maybe it feels to some people.
However, it is hard to argue with that poll. The numbers show that 53 percent of Americans think race relations are worse today than they were before. And that is something I think that, if I were in the White House, I'd be thinking, "OK, we've got two years to try to turn that poll around and get those numbers to where we would like them to be." And I think that they've got opportunities to do that. I just don't know if they're going to take it.

BECKEL: Well, the point is the poll had been taken in the aftermath of Ferguson and what happened in Staten Island. So I would imagine the people that do think race relations are worse?

I think Obama did have an opportunity. He did not take it. But one of these days we're going to keep in mind he is not a race baiter. If we would finally have a clip on this network, on our show here, that had the whole of what Obama said about race, we might be better off.

WATTERS: We're not going to play a 10-minute clip on the air, Bob.

BECKEL: I know. But...


BOLLING: Is it a good idea to entertain Al Sharpton at the White House some eight years ago? A good idea? Say yes or no.

BECKEL: No. Yes or no, is it selectively right?

WATTERS: The audience can go on the Internet and look at it, and it wasn't edited, OK.

So next, he was supposed to be eaten alive by an anaconda on national television, but an environmentalist was barely bitten alive by the snake.
And viewers are actually disappointed. Coming up, next on "The Fastest Seven."


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for...



GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


BOLLING: ... the "Fastest Seven" minutes on television: three jaunty stories, seven jumping minutes, one jocular host.

First up, the big Discovery Channel event went down last night where a nature adventurer, Paul Rosolie, wanted to be eaten alive by an anaconda.
He promised to be literally consumed by the giant snake. Let's just say the Discovery Channel overpromised and under-delivered.


PAUL ROSOLIE, NATURE ADVENTURER: Tightening up. This is a heavy snake.
Guys, my face is down. I can't feel my arms. You guys need to get in here.



BOLLING: So seventy minutes into the show Rosolie tapped out, saying the snake was about to break his arm. So in the end, Rosolie wasn't eaten alive, not even a scratch. Well, that inspired some fiery tweets.

How about this one: "Wait, wait, the snake didn't even eat the guy? I've been eaten exactly by as many anacondas as the host of this ridiculous show."

And "I guess calling this 'Getting Squeezed Really Hard' didn't sound as enticing. #eatenalive."

And this one: "Hey, Discovery, can I have my own show now?" A little dog biting his finger.

K.G., did -- I mean, this guy has been on a P.R. blitz over the last couple of weeks, saying he wants to be the first man to be eaten by an anaconda.
The snake got about this much over his head, and he tapped out.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, this is ridiculous. He's obviously starved for attention, but apparently, the snake was not. I don't know how this guy -- his parents, like, "We raised a child that wanted to be eaten alive by a snake." Who are these people?

BOLLING: Bob, a whole two-hour episode on getting eaten by a snake.

BECKEL: Well, first of all, it's sick. I mean, they might as well go to the insane asylum and find somebody who will do something similar. I mean, if he wants to be eaten by a snake, let him be eaten and stay there.

BOLLING: All right. Dana. Do you...

PERINO: They might try this tactic down at Gitmo. Might be approved.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, torture lover.

PERINO: I'm not even looking at the monitor. I can't see things about snakes or see a snake, because then I'll have nightmares about snakes crawling up my bed. So I just can't look at it.

BOLLING: Jess, what would make him think it would be good to get inside a snake?

WATTERS: No, he's a charlatan.

Bob, don't you hate when someone promises to deliver something to the audience and doesn't? Kind of like the October surprise. You know, in the news...

BECKEL: The October surprise may be a little late, but it still will be coming.

GUILFOYLE: When, 2015?

BECKEL: When you make that pitch like that, and you better tune in to see it. you better come up with something better than that.

BOLLING: All right. Next on "The Fastest," politics continue to intrude on our sports. Over the weekend, sports stars were seen wearing gear that had the slogan that has become the metaphor for excessive use of police
force: "I can't breathe."

Chicago Bulls star guard Derek Rose wore a warm-up jersey sporting that phrase. And over in the NFL, recall those five St. Louis Rams coming out with their hands up last Sunday? Well, yesterday, four more NFL stars joined the protest with these. And check out Redskins defensive tackle Chris Baker, who did "hands up, don't shoot" after a sack.

To note, the Redskins were shut out 24 to nothing. And that loss brought the record to 3 and 10. So take this: hands down, don't lose -- Bob.

GUILFOYLE: How about keep your hands on the ball?


BOLLING: Really? Sports stars using politics...

BECKEL: They should be able to express themselves the way they want to.
Particularly when it came to this Staten Island thing, which was clearly an abuse of police brutality. It was police brutality. Somebody died. They shouldn't have died. Ad nothing happened to the guy.

BOLLING: OK, we understand the story. But why -- do you really want to see...

BECKEL: Well, if you want to express yourself, why not? Why not express yourself? How else can you express yourself if you don't -- you have a big audience like that.

BOLLING: They can go on Twitter or Facebook or something like that. Did they have to go on...

BECKEL: Not many people read Twitter.

WATTERS: I was at the Eagles game the other day. I'm a big Philly fan.
They could have come out of the tunnel with hands up, with the Trayvon hoodie, the don't choke, whatever. I don't care. As long as you win the game.


WATTERS: If you don't win the game, it doesn't matter.

BOLLING: Hence the 24-nothing. After the sack, maybe had time to...


BOLLING: Your thoughts on...

PERINO: I think there's good reason why -- and this is not just sports, but at places of employment, your companies have policies that, whatever you do on your own time, exercising your First Amendment right is allowed, we just ask you not to bring politics when you're trying to work. And I think that that's -- it's kind of good practice for a lot of places.

BOLLING: It's a great call.

GUILFOYLE: It's also a good call to equip yourself with the facts and with the evidence and with the information and read, because "hands up, don't shoot" actually never happened. That was disproved and taken back by the one person that said that he saw that.

And then, you know, with respect to the Eric Garner case, yes, a lot of times, I mean, I've been on ride-alongs with the police, been to the scene, people arrested. A lot of people do make a lot of comments, "Oh, you're breaking my arm. Ouch, it hurts." And they're saying that to get out of it. Nevertheless, the bottom line is none of this would have happened, if you just let the police do their job and question you, you don't resist arrest. Plus, complicated because the man did have some serious health issues, which was also why he couldn't breathe.

BOLLING: We've got to go, but Bob, I can't imagine when the athlete starts to take a political issue and start -- you know, every week we've got to start seeing this.

BECKEL: These are African-Americans who are watching now two incidents, one which was particularly...

BOLLING: The one in New York had nothing to do with race.

GUILFOYLE: Even the family said.


GUILFOYLE: And Eric, there was a female African-American sergeant in charge at the scene.

BOLLING: On the scene. Exactly.

Finally, I've been pretty hard on Al Sharpton over the years, can't stand shameless race baiting, can't stand -- can't understand why a news organization would have him host a show. Turns out I'm not the only one.
"Saturday Night Live" posted some fun at the reverend's well-documented teleprompter flubs, then turned to his interviewing skills.




THOMPSON: I mean, what does a man have to do to be put on trial?

PHAROAH: I know, but the issue...

THOMPSON: How are you going to get your own thing on video, then turn around and say that there's no crime here?

PHAROAH: I don't have any idea. And I think that...

THOMPSON: This is not a whodunit. This is a "he did it."

PHAROAH: You're right, you're more than right.

THOMPSON: Well, thank you, Lawrence Tatum (ph), for clearing this up.



PERINO: You know what I was trying to think about earlier? Is I wonder if Al Sharpton has a sense of humor, so that if he sees that, would he laugh?

BOLLING: I think he would, yes.

You know -- should I say this?

WATTERS: What? Yes.

BOLLING: Going to cause a lot of problems.


BOLLING: They're telling me don't say it. Here.

WATTERS: They don't even know what you're going to say.

BOLLING: Here's what I was going to say. I bumped into him last year at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. I took a picture with him, and he actually does have a sense of humor about a lot of the stuff. But I do mean the stuff I say about him. He thought I was kidding.

GUILFOYLE: He was actually kind of scared when he saw you coming up to him with a camera.

WATTERS: We have been saying here on FOX that this guy Sharpton's been a joke. Finally, "SNL" gets it, you know? Like honestly, this means Sharpton has arrived. When you're spoofed on "SNL," you have arrived. I mean, this is big-time.

GUILFOYLE: He's going to just eat. He lost a bunch of weight.

BOLLING: I like the way they explained that. He said, "With all this stuff that's going on, I was so upset, I gained a hundred pounds over the last couple of days."

All right. Next, Will and Kate are here in America, and Bob is so excited about their visit, he can't wait to tell you what the royals have been doing today. Stick around.


BECKEL: Those are the decorations you see, by the way, in New York City.
There's nothing better this time of year than Christmas decorations in New York. And welcome to America, and welcome to New York City.

Prince William and Duchess Kate have been making a big splash since they touched down yesterday for their first official visit to the U.S. since 2011.

Today the prince made his way to Washington to meet with the president about wildlife trafficking while Kate toured a child development center with the first lady of New York City.

Eric, let me ask you something. Despite what anybody may think about the royals, this is good business for the Brits, isn't it?

BOLLING: For both. I think President Obama hosting the, and showing them around New York, as well. I think that's great business for both of us.
They're our best ally; they're our strongest ally. They're beloved.
They're beloved, not just by Americans, not just by Brits. They're beloved by the world, and it's good to see them showing around some of the cultural aspects of the beautiful City.

BECKEL: So you're for the monarchy, right?

GUILFOYLE: What do you mean, Bob?

BECKEL: Are you for the royal family?

GUILFOYLE: I'd be for a monarchy here if I was in charge.

BECKEL: Yes, I guess you would.

WATTERS: Prince Harry, that's what she's for.

GUILFOYLE: No. Look, I love the royal family. Everybody knows that, but I know them personally, so I can say that with true conviction and admiration. Bob, have you been on this show with me at all?

BECKEL: I have. Regrettably sometimes, but yes, I have.

GUILFOYLE: Prince Charles and Camilla.

BECKEL: Oh, you've met them?


BECKEL: I didn't know that.

GUILFOYLE: I entertained them when I was first lady of San Francisco when they did this tour of the United States. San Francisco is one of the stops that they made, so I did the same thing that the first lady of New York is doing.

BECKEL: Did you like them? Were they nice?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, very nice. So I think this is great. I think it's great
for the U.S. I think it's great for a key ally with the U.K. And for the rest of the world to see. So I was very happy that they came here.

BECKEL: Dana, what about you?

PERINO: I like it. I like the glitz and the glamour. I love her shoes.
She has got great shoes.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, those are great.

BECKEL: She's got great shoes?

PERINO: Great shoes, great fashion style. Yes.

GUILFOYLE: I think she represents her country well.

PERINO: Definitely.

GUILFOYLE: She really does.

BECKEL: How do you know she's got great shoes?

PERINO: Because in the fashion magazines, they'll say as worn by Kate Middleton.

BECKEL: Oh, I see. Now, Jess, do you wear the same uniform or suits that he does?

WATTERS: Oh, yes, Heathrow, Seville Row.

BECKEL: Seville Row, yes.

WATTERS: Do you think what he should have done?

GUILFOYLE: O'Reilly paid for them.

WATTERS: That's right. If I was Prince William, I would have taken that Winston Churchill bust and just brought it back and put it smack right next to the president, say, "Here. You didn't want it before. You're getting
it back." That's what I would have done.

BOLLING: You know what you should do?


BOLLING: You should ambush them.

WATTERS: That's right. I wouldn't get within a mile.

PERINO: What year was the American independence...

WATTERS: That's right, that's right. When did we kick your butt? Bill O'Reilly, that's the question.

BECKEL: You should do that. You should really try to ask them some serious history.

WATTERS: I should. You know what they're going to do? I think they're going to the Nets game tonight, and then tomorrow they're going to meet Chelsea Clinton. I mean, what a tour of New York, right? Nets game and meeting Chelsea.

BECKEL: Can't do it without Chelsea, right?

"One More Thing" is up next.

GUILFOYLE: New York state of mind.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing." Mr. Beckel.

BECKEL: This date in history: 34 years ago on this date, December 8, 1980, in John Lennon, the Beatles -- the star of The Beatles, independent, was shot dead in front of his apartment building near Central Park by Mark David Chapman. Lennon was 40 years old and was developing his own music career in a big way, and he was shot down. And it was a terrible thing, and we missed him; and we still miss him.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Dana.

PERINO: OK. Well, you know what one of the fun things to do as you get older, is to watch young people you used to work with advance and succeed and get new promotions.

So I want to say congratulations to Julie Adams. I think we have a picture of her here. Julie Adams worked in the Bush White House for first lady Laura Bush. And today she was named the new Senate secretary, the secretary of the Senate, which has all sorts of responsibilities, administrative, legal, financial. She keeps -- she's in charge of a lot of different people. She's just succeeded beyond what we imagined, and so I want to congratulate her on that.

BECKEL: Big job. Big job.

GUILFOYLE: Beyond your wildest dreams.

BECKEL: Well, I didn't say my wildest dreams, because I knew she was going to be successful, but I didn't think she would become the secretary of the Senate. That's a big deal.

GUILFOYLE: She's got great references, huh? Who she's worked for.

Hi, Eric.

BOLLING: Hi, Kimberly.

All right. So over the weekend, the college football playoffs, the first- ever playoffs, the teams were announced. Three obvious choices, and the fourth one is kind of questionable. Alabama will meet Ohio State in the Sugar Bowl. Oregon will meet FSU, Florida State, in the Rose Bowl. The winner will play in Cowboys Stadium. I think it's AT&T Stadium, technically, on January 12. Holds 100,000 people. But where are TCU or Baylor? I would stay TCU deserved that fourth spot that Ohio State took.
TCU was No. 3 or 2 for most of the season. The Horned Frogs should have been there.

PERINO: This is an outrage. This is an absolute outrage.


GUILFOYLE: What is going on?

BOLLING: Sorry, Ohio State.



GUILFOYLE: Jesse, what do you have for us today?

WATTERS: OK. So Sir Elton John was officiating some charitable tennis all-star event, very chi-chi, and took what we call a crocodile flop.

PERINO: Uh-oh.

WATTERS: Down goes Sir Elton John.

GUILFOYLE: Aww. That's terrible.

WATTERS: Very upsetting. And...

PERINO: That's your "One More Thing"?

WATTERS: He had to explain himself. Take a listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you all right? Sir Elton, are you all right?

ELTON JOHN, MUSICIAN/COMPOSER: I'm not standing, no.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We were very worried about you, though.

JOHN: I'm not standing, yes, yes, yes.


WATTERS: So everybody's glad Elton John is OK. He's fine.

BECKEL: We're really glad. You really brought your A-game.

GUILFOYLE: That was incredible analysis. It almost made me drop my iPhone.

All right. So how many of you have done that, and then you just want to cry for your mother, because you have a shattered screen, and so many people this happened to just dropped their new iPhone 6. Well, Apple has got some of the patents developed now, and it's got cat-like, sort of matrix technology, so if it senses the iPhone is falling, it does, like, a flip to land like a cat and not shatter.

PERINO: Are you serious?

GUILFOYLE: No, I'm making this up. I don't think this is a hoax. If it is, let me know. But I think it's very cool. And now I'm wondering if I should have waited instead of buying the iPhone 6, which I still didn't hook up yet, to be able to do it. Pretty cool technology.

PERINO: Can we practice? Can we test this out with yours?

BECKEL: Drop it right now. See.

GUILFOYLE: No, mine doesn't have the technology.


GUILFOYLE: And on another personal vote for "The Five," we want to say congratulations, again, to Tommy and Kara, who had a wonderful engagement party with family and friends. We were all so happy to attend. God bless both of you. We're lucky to have you here at the FOX News Channel.

And please set your DVR so you never miss an episode of "The Five," because that's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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