Will Obama denounce 'Occupy' protests?

This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," May 21, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: Continuing now with our "Top Story" the latest display of violence from the Occupy protesters in Chicago with dozens of arrests since yesterday. Is it time for President Obama to denounce these people?

With us now Juan Williams and Mary Katharine Ham, both of course, Fox News analysts. All right, so Juan at this press conference today, the President wasn't asked specifically about the violent acts, but he was asked about the protests.

Well, Chicago, you know, it does... nothing fazes Chicago it was kind of a glib response. But we're announcing where employees can't go into buildings and police get stabbed in the leg? I mean, come on.

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS ANALYST: Well obviously if you have people who are advocates of violence who are anarchists and who are threatening people, intimidating people so that you can't do business, that's not good. You don't want it.

INGRAHAM: So why doesn't the President say anything?

WILLIAMS: No, no. What Bill said earlier and I think what you're asking me is why doesn't the President denounce Occupy Wall Street? I don't know that these two are synonymous.

Now, I think there are lots of elements there are a lots of people who are involved in Occupy Wall Street involved here. But Occupy Wall Street, I think, was really an expression of American discontent over the fact that they are, you know, Wall Street gets away with murder. You know, people even on the right didn't like TARP and the big bailouts for the Wall Street folks. The Wall Street folks too big to fail.

INGRAHAM: It's a long way from TARP debate, right?

WILLIAMS: No, no it isn't -- I think, I think, in fact, there is a lot in common between the kind of anger we see from Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street but these folks in Chicago... they are not Occupy Wall Street. I think they are anarchists and they should be condemned and the President should condemn them.

INGRAHAM: Mary -- Mary Katharine, what do you make of this? Look I think that this movement is kind of scattered. I mean there's the -- they are really nasty, kind of Black-ops or Black Block group and then there is Occupy people and then there are immigration activists, whey were having some rally in Crete Illinois, today with 800 bed detention facility was being debated.

It seems like they're all over the place on -- on what their goals are.

MARY KATHARINE HAM, FOX NEWS ANALYST: Yes, but I think it's fair to say that you know if Occupy Wall Street and the anarchists are not together they are at least kissing cousins. These are people of the left. These movements -- these movements when you -- when you protest the WHO, all these kinds of things, all these World Bank protests are people of the left.

And the fact is that the rules are different in public for reporters and the President, if the President -- is this had been a right-wing protest --

INGRAHAM: Oh Tea Party, Juan maybe.


HAM: He would have been -- he would have been ask about every --

INGRAHAM: ...killing the Tea Party...

HAM: -- every single tiny infraction, I'm talking about like you know riding with chalk on a trash can he would have been asked about that. It's going to denounce these horrible Tea Partiers.

But the rules are just different from the left. They are allowed to be violent. They are allowed to go into civil disobedience. That the right simply publicly is not allowed to do, reporters will not have it.

WILLIAMS: Mary Katharine, how do you -- how can you say they are allowed to do it? Didn't you say the police out there battling putting themselves on the line?


HAM: I'm saying, Juan -- Juan, I'm talking about public perception. I'm talking about public perception and public perception, the media does not hammer them for it. Yes, the media does not hammer them for it. They do not have to pay the same price. And Democratic politicians do not have to spend all their time denouncing those same people.

When if it happened on the right. Everything Republican in the country and every conservative including me would be asked to denounce every single tiny acts of violence.

WILLIAMS: Everybody -- look everybody is concerned that even the President even went out of his way to say that the Chicago police did a splendid job and to credit them.


INGRAHAM: That's hard-hitting.

WILLIAMS: Given the amount of scrutiny they are under. But I would just advise you to take a little bit of history lesson here Mary Katharine. Because if you go back to 1968 and the behavior of the Chicago police when they were literally beating heads for people who are practicing free speech. I think you might say hey, you know what we do value free speech and we do value the right to protest in this country.

HAM: Yes which is --

INGRAHAM: Let's move on -- let's move on to what happened with the NAACP -- because we have two topics we have to hit. Over the weekend the NAACP says, Juan, look, we're backing the President on gay marriage because it's a civil right. Civil marriage should be extended to all. Is this -- is this kind of a come-to-Jesus moment for the NAACP because certainly a lot of rank and filers, black voters are not with them on some of these critical social issues.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think the churches clearly are not with him on this. The ministers are not with him. Although some ministers --



WILLIAMS: -- are on the board of the NAACP. But you noticed it wasn't a unanimous vote, Laura. And I think it's the ministers who still have reluctance.

But I think the NAACP is just trying to be relevant. And you know I have -- and clearly --

INGRAHAM: Because I think this would make them irrelevant because if they are going against the views of at least what, 65 percent, 62 percent of black Americans, why is this a winner for them.

WILLIAMS: Right, because I think it gets them back into the conversation. We are talking about them here tonight. Brings them back into a major conversation in terms of the fact that I think most black Americans are still going to support President Obama and I think it helps President Obama. It helps the NAACP. But for them it helps the NAACP that's the key.

INGRAHAM: Mary Katharine, are you surprised by this given where we know the black sentiment is on the issue of -- of marriage?

HAM: Yes I mean, first of all I've read my history and I've read headlines from last week Juan and I can compare the two and actually make distinctions. But moving on to the NAACP. I do think that they are in danger of being a little bit of out of step with their rank and file. But national organizations, unions and NAACP alike are often liable to do that they know where their bread is buttered, they don't want to be on the wrong side of Obama and Democratic Party.

And I do think that most blacks will end up voting for the President. I think most will continue to support the NAACP. The problem you get is when they start spending money on the pro-gay marriage movement that I think some black voters might get pretty upset about that. So they have to be very delegate about. Because the fact is that there is a large voting bloc of Democrats who are anti-gay marriage and the left has to deal with that.

INGRAHAM: I interviewed Michael Steele on my radio show this morning about the views of black voters on the issue of abortion and abortion in the Democratic Party.


INGRAHAM: This is what he said. Let's listen.


MICHAEL STEELE, FORMER RNC CHAIRMAN: I have yet to understand how when you look at something like the NAACP siding up with an organization like Planned Parenthood that has as part of its history and its charter and its existence, you know, the use of abortion to eliminate and limit the number of African-American and other minorities in this country, to me, it's just beyond the pale.


WILLIAMS: Well I think Michael Steele here is clearly taking a conservative pro-life stance. I don't think there's anything objectionable to it but I don't think that he's going to sell that message overwhelmingly as a reason not to support.

INGRAHAM: Margaret Singer the founder of Planned Parenthood wanted to control the population of black Americans. You know that right?

WILLIAMS: I don't think that's true by the way. That's not historically a fact. She wanted to make sure that her -- her health --

INGRAHAM: Oh it is absolutely true.

WILLIAMS: She wanted to make sure that her health --


INGRAHAM: Population control, Juan.

WILLIAMS: -- that -- that her movement extended its hand into the black community. That's different than what you're just saying.

INGRAHAM: Oh it's a dark vision. It's a dark vision. Mary Katharine and Juan, thank you very much.

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