Why did UK vote to leave the European Union?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 24, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It is 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

We are outside on the plaza, at Fox News Headquarters, helping kick off Fox Fan weekend. We're very excited to see our wonderful fans here with us on this beautiful day. Look at them, they're all around us. Shockwaves are rippling across the globe after Great Britain's landmark vote to leave the European Union. Here at home, the Brexit economic tsunami sent the markets tumbling. A few moments ago, the DOW closed down more than 600 points while some celebrated the U.K.'s historic move, others were less enthusiastic about the tumultuous decision. Shortly after the vote tally was completed, Prime Minister David Cameron made this stunning announcement.


DAVID CAMERON, U.K. PRIME MINISTER: I was absolutely clear about my belief that Britain is stronger, safer and better off inside the European Union. But the British people have made a very clear decision to take a different path. And as such, I think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this direction.


BOLLING: Earlier, President Obama expressed respect for Britain's decision to leave the European Union, an outcome he had personally campaigned against during a trip to London in April.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I do think that yesterday's vote speaks to the ongoing changes and challenges that are raised by globalization. But while the U.K.'s relationship with the E.U. will change, one thing that will not change is the special relationship that exists between our two nations. That will endure. The E.U. will remain one of our indispensable partners, our NATO alliance will remain a cornerstone of global security.


BOLLING: Let's settle down with Dana. President Obama said in April said he was going to put the -- could possibly put Britain at the end of the queue. Now, he's singing a different tune.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: It was language that was not welcome in Britain, meaning that you have to go to the back of the line. That's not how you treat someone in a special relationship. Interestingly, I don't know if you know this, Jim Messina, who used to work at the White House, was actually the campaign director for the remain vote in support of Cameron and of Obama's position, and Hillary Clinton. Obviously, it didn't work. I would like to comment on David Cameron's speech because I thought it was full of grace. And it was the right thing to do. He was gracious in defeat. And it's going to take a while for all of this to sort itself out, not just the markets, but also politically, how that's going to work out in the E.U. I really take my cues from my husband, who is British, and who had reluctantly come to the conclusion that leaving was the best thing for the U.K. and he and I have a Q&A that we did for Foxnews.com that we put up, that could explain, but I think that ultimately I lived there for a while. I know it was not an easy decision for the country to go through, but I agree, it's a big event, but it's not the biggest event. Everything is going to be fine.

BOLLING: The political fallout from it, Donald Trump is claiming victory, this is the idea that I had a long time ago, and Hillary Clinton, she was in favor of the E.U. staying together. Will that help either one of their campaigns or hurt it?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: A lot of people had never even heard of Brexit a month ago, including Donald Trump. Let me explain to everybody what Brexit is. Basically, the European Union is NSYNC, in England, Great Britain is Justin Timberlake. He was just too big for the European Union. It was time to go. This is about individual control versus central planning. It's like taking the car versus a bus. When you're in the bus, you like the company, but you got to put up with the stops, that's the European Union. England decided to buy a car. It's more costly up front, but you have the freedom to go ever you want and do whatever you want. It's that simple.


GUTFELD: Who gets Big Ben? That's like the wine opener in a relationship. So they're going to fight over little things. But then, it will cost something. But then you know, the U.K., they'll wait tables, deliver pizzas, then they'll find other jobs and a new boyfriend, and everything will be great.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: And there is always somewhere to go to.


BOLLING: KG, a lot of people said it was all about immigration. They said the U.K. wanted sovereign borders. It is all about money on Wall Street today, what is it, some of both?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: It's a variety of you know a complexity of factors involved. I think the immigration piece certainly was powerful, especially in light of all the migrants and the refugees coming in. It's more about having ownership and a sense of nationalism, controlling borders, making those decisions for your country in particular versus more of a globalist approach. And you see some of that going on here in this country. So it's mirroring and echoing some of the sentiment, some of the things that Donald Trump has been talking about. So this might be part of a larger populist movement that we're seeing take shape that could have impact ultimately here in the United States. It's a tipping point.

BOLLING: My good friend Juan here, Nigel Farage was one of the leaders of the leave, exit push.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: The Donald Trump of Britain.

BOLLING: OK. Let's call him that. He's actually saying that President Obama saying England, get to the back of the queue in April, was part of the reason this was some votes in favor of exiting. So President Obama can also be blamed for the exit as well.

WILLIAMS: Wow, I didn't know he was that powerful, but if you want to give much credit. I don't think Obama deserves that much attention from the Europeans or the Brits, but I think that people who said, it was going to have tremendous consequence on the economic market, I guess they were right because look what happened today, 600 points down in the DOW. You look at the Italian markets, the French markets, it's unbelievable.

GUTFELD: Look at Boston market.

WILLIAMS: There we go.


WILLIAMS: That's where you're getting dinner tonight.

GUTFELD: They doubled the price of turkey legs in just an hour.

WILLIAMS: So I think it has tremendous impact on our economy. And the questions about -- I'm thinking about the United States.

BOLLING: Obviously, people don't like uncertainty and that's why the markets are roiled.


WILLIAMS: That's right, you would know that.

BOLLING: But what's really changed?

WILLIAMS: I think Janet Yellen, the federal reserve chief said this is going to have economic repercussions, I don't think you're going to see any hike in interest rates coming from the fed in the aftermath of this.


PERINO: Well, that's because our economy is in such a slump.

WILLIAMS: We're not as bad as the European economy. Our economy is nowhere near what the European had been.

PERINO: I think Peter really had a really good way of explaining it to me. He said imagine if you're in the United States and all of a sudden, Canada, the United States and Mexico are all one. And the central government is in Mexico City and the Canadians, and the Mexicans have a collectively more votes than you have as the United States. We wouldn't put up with that at all. So it's what started as an economic agreement in 1973, and it was a good idea. Later in the '80s when that strengthened, it actually helped businesses. But what happened is you have this strangulation of regulation. I will give you an example. It's kind of like immigration. Not too long ago, there was a Colombian drug cell, dealer, what do you call -- I don't know, the dealer.


PERINO: He wasn't quite a lord. He was more like this dealer. But he got in some trouble. He was a violent guy, he gets 12 years in prison, only serves 8 for good behavior. When he gets out, the Brits want to send him back to Colombia. They want to deport him. But the European Union, the Council of Human Rights or whatever it's called said no, you're not allowed to do that because he has a British girlfriend and that would disrupt their lives. So that's why Britain I think a lot of it is it went beyond economics and became like this one road or no road.


WILLIAMS: I think it's less like Canada and Mexico and the U.S. are all one government. It's more like what would happen if California, New York, Connecticut left. Said hey, we're out.


GUTFELD: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Juan.


GUTFELD: It's like this. Imagine you're staying in a hotel, right?


GUTFELD: You're staying in a hotel and all of a sudden the hotel opens up the first floor to all of these new people without checking who they are, and some of them, you don't know where they're from. You know what you do, you check out of that hotel and you find a better place. And that's what England is doing. They're moving out of the hotel of the E.U.


BOLLING: Is it all immigration?

GUTFELD: It's all about immigration.

BOLLING: Because immigration does encompass the economy.


BOLLING: And it does encompass terror and safety.


GUTFELD: Coming together is very important, unless you're stamping out someone's identity or their heritage in place of multiculturalism. This is what it is all about. People are fearing the death of their past.


GUILFOYLE: You don't want other people making those decisions for you. Right now, it's become so spread out with the E.U. and other people making the decision about what's best for your country, it is very limiting. You want to be in charge of your own house.


GUILFOYLE: You want to be the one behind the wheel. You don't want someone else telling you what direction you're going to because you might have separate specific interests that are very different, you know, that are not convergent with another country. And that's what you have been seeing.

BOLLING: So can I ask all four of you this, what's the difference in the United States if Donald Trump or some another politician says close the borders, stop the immigration from Muslim countries, for now, isn't that the same thing? Isn't he saying close the hotel down until we figure out what's going on?

GUTFELD: No, they're saying we want more control over our world. They're not saying we're closing anything down. I think it's just basically autonomy. That's all it is.

PERINO: The other thing I would say, if I were the Brits, if they were against what President Obama wanted, which was remain, if you were for leave, I might say to President Obama, one of the reasons that this vote went the way that it did is because of the Syrian refugee crisis.


PERINO: Why do we have a Syrian refugee crisis? You have to solve that problem at its source or else, it's not going to get solved. You've had World Refugee Day, which was just last Saturday. It was like 65 million people are refugees right now. You have to solve problems at their source because people don't want to be refugees. They want to be able to stay home. If our national security is hampered by things that are happening over there, my position is you should deal with the things over there.

BOLLING: Juan, your thoughts?

WILLIAMS: Well, I think it's a reaction. Basically, I think this vote was not rational. I think it was about fear and they have taken a leap. It's as if I said, oh wait, the great crowd around us here today at Fox weekend, let me go crowd surfing. I don't know if people are going to hold me up or drop me like a rock.


GUILFOYLE: That might happen, too, but that's over-simplifying, because it's also yes, it's about dominance, it's about autonomy, it's about not being submissive to some of the other lesser countries. U.K. is used to being a super power, being a shot-caller, like the United States. They do have responsibilities to look out you know for their own in this instance. And you see now in this country, the movement happening as well with a large part of the electorate, saying hey, let's tighten this up.

BOLLING: And don't forget, 28 counties, now 27 can travel freely within the borders. And that's a very scary thing to some people.

Coming up, presidential rivals Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton react to the Brexit vote. How will the U.K.'s decision impact the fight for the White House?

And later, are you ready for this? We're answering questions from our fantastic fans right here on the plaza, for Fox fan weekend. Don't miss it.


PERINO: Welcome back to our special edition of The Five. We are outside on the plaza for Fox fan weekend with our wonderful crowd. Some say the Brexit movement in the U.K. mirrors the presidential election here in the United States. We're just talking about that. Donald Trump was in Scotland when the vote came down says he also sees strong similarities.


DONALD TRUMP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: People want to take their country back. They want to have independence in a sense. You're going to have I think many other cases where they want to take their borders back. They want to take their monetary back. They want to take a lot of things back. They want to be able to have a country again. So I think you're going to have this happen more and more. I really believe that. I think it's happening in the United States. I really do see a parallel between what's happening in the United States and what's happening here.


PERINO: Hillary Clinton as well said she respects the choice voters made and vowed to remain committed to Britain. While she has yet to make any comments on Camera, she did release a statement which seemed to be a swipe at Trump, quote this time of uncertainty only underscores the need for calm, steady experienced leadership in the White House, to protect Americans' pocketbooks and livelihoods to support our friends and allies, to stand up to our adversaries, and to defend our interests. It also underscores the need for us to pull together to solve our challenges as a country, not tear each other down, which was a really long statement. Let me go to you first, Greg, because I took a little heat, because last night on show, I said I thought Donald Trump had started with a bad week and ended up with a pretty good week, should press his advantage here at home and not go to Scotland. He goes to Scotland and of course now, everybody wants to say, isn't it brilliant he went to Scotland?


PERINO: You're in the Scotland wearing the Make America Great Again. Scotland actually voted 62-38 to remain and yet, it's still considered brilliant?

GUTFELD: Well, that result you mentioned is never important when it comes to symbolism. Can I point out that Hillary is so irrelevant in this? That nobody actually asks for her opinion and so she.


GUTFELD: And when you hear it, when you hear her opinion, you wait for the end for someone to say, press one for more options.


GUTFELD: If you like this in Spanish, press two. Because it seems so formulaic and so irrelevant, she's so inside, she's now officially outside, like nobody really cares. Trump and Brexit are both symptoms of a greater movement, that you're also seeing on campuses, people are basically regurgitating the last 30 years of political correctness across the board. It's happening around the world. Multiculturalism has pushed this world to the limit, where we can no longer say that one culture might be more destructive than others, that Islamism might be destructive, that having women dress newspaper black bags is not a good thing.


PERINO: And covering their face.


PERINO: Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: You'll get in trouble for that, I can't wait.



GUILFOYLE: Maybe me later.


PERINO: It's a whole new world and you can say whatever you want.

GUTFELD: I'm a diverse person.

GUILFOYLE: Hillary Clinton can't seem to get her state department hat off and her political hat on. And she is in just on the wrong side of it. Yes, she is wearing too many hats at the circus, that's the problem, you know. But we want to remove her as the ringmaster. Her statement no one even knows what that means, it was just for votes, it had no meaning to it. There was nothing significant or memorable in the content you know from the communications perspective. Nobody was like where is the Hillary statement. Right away, you're thinking, there he goes again, Trump's over in Scotland, right, when this is going down in Europe. So he has this uncanny timing somehow to be in the right place and capitalize on it. So that worked well for him, especially because he wants to be presidential, commander-in-chief, someone who represents the country, here he is in Europe, and he is making these statements and drawing the similarities to how it's similar to what's going on in the movement that he believes he has fostered in the U.S. So, for him, I think the optics are very good. And for Hillary, it was like what we had there, a full stream of sentences.


PERINO: Juan, I think it's a little overblown to say that the votes in Britain are a parallel to the United States, but there are some parallels, does that worry the campaign over in Brooklyn for Hillary Clinton?

WILLIAMS: It should. I don't think there's anybody today who didn't think wow, does this mean that this is coming to the USA in November? And I'm old enough as a senior member of this group to say, I remember when Margaret Thatcher won in Great Britain.


WILLIAMS: And the next year, here was Ronald Ragen in the United States.

BOLLING: Good point.

WILLIAMS: So I know that.



WILLIAMS: You think also, Dana, about the polling. The polling indicated it was going to be a split. And you think about.

PERINO: Not just the polling, but the betting.


WILLIAMS: Oh yeah.

PERINO: Because the bettors were off.


BOLLING: The smart money was sure it was going to be a remain. And they were wrong.

GUTFELD: That's because people didn't want to voice their opinion because they were scared of being called a bigot.

BOLLING: Of course. Look at the aftermath of the vote. Everyone who votes for an exit is a racist.



WILLIAMS: The other part of it though that is troubling is that remember, the reason that Cameron had this vote was because there was a split inside the conservative party. And I think when you think about Trump and what's going on here in the U.S., you think again well what does this mean? Cameron tried to say, I'm willing to please you guys on the far right by having this vote. If you think we should get out of the European Union and he lost. And Trump is the one who has absolutely blown apart the Republican Party. And it may be that Trump is winning. I think there's -- you asked about Brooklyn. I think there's worry right now in Republican ranks as well.

BOLLING: And, Juan, the only thing, I agree with almost everything you said.


WILLIAMS: That's ridiculous. Don't do that, don't do that. You're going to disappoint my crowd.


BOLLING: I think that you're right, but you have it backwards. It's not what went on in the U.K. and the European Union right now is spreading here. I think what happened here, Donald Trump is spreading to the European Union.


PERINO: I don't think that's true, these people in Britain have been living with this for years.

BOLLING: But, Dana, Greg points out that the vote looked like it was going to remain, because people were afraid to say, I want to have sovereign borders, this looks like.


PERINO: Where else did that happen? Two years ago when Britain had an election, the conservatives won big-time and the polling was wrong then. In our mid-term election, the conservatives won big-time and the polling was wrong again, too. So they are under-polling conservative viewpoints. You should be happy about this. This is a good thing for Donald Trump.

BOLLING: Think some of the confidence to be able to say, we want a sovereign border is enabled over there because of what he's done over here.

PERINO: I totally disagree.


GUTFELD: It started with U.K.

PERINO: Years ago.



PERINO: All right. Anyway, there is a movement all around the world and it's happening here as well. So, up next, how do the U.K's growing flood of immigrants impact their decision to leave the E.U.? Will this lead to tighter border control among other countries in Europe? Details when we return.


GUILFOYLE: Welcome back to our special Fox fan weekend edition of The Five. Take a look at the crowd out here.


GUILFOYLE: And one of the factors contributing to Great Britain's vote to leave the European Union also appears to be growing concerns about the influx of immigrants. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair addressed the issue on Fox and friends.


TONY BLAIR, FORMER BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: The issue of immigration, there was a huge amount of anxiety and concern about that. I personally don't think we will deal with that concern by leaving Europe. But undoubtedly, it was a popular revolt against those who have taken this common position across the political spectrum for many years.


GUILFOYLE: Meanwhile, according to the U.K. mayor, ISIS may be calling for attacks in Berlin and Brussels to paralyze Europe in the wake of the Brexit chaos. So this is obviously a concern, Eric, for their national security, and also now for the E.U. Because now, they're wondering, they have sort of abandoned now by the U.K., others are considering also jumping ship and this is juxtaposed to the real security concerns, now of ISIS trying to be on the move, and certainly hitting Europe heavy and hard recently.

BOLLING: The thing about immigration, it really is a huge issue, it encompasses probably the two most important things at least to the American voters. Exit polls show that the economy jobs is number one.


BOLLING: And our safety/national safety security is number two. Immigration cuts across both of those heavily. Others are jobs, people, there and here fear that if you have too much immigration, it takes jobs from the sovereign individuals and also, who is coming in? We know ISIS said they have thousands, thousands of fighters ready to come through refugee programs and immigration programs to infiltrate the west and kill people. So it really is a hugely topical topic for them. I think it's going to play out here as well. You think back, Donald Trump came out of the box. I know you don't want to hear about this. He came out and his first thing was immigration. I'm going to build a wall and Mexico's going to pay for it. It was like why is it the biggest thing, I thought it was going to be jobs and the economy. He somehow figured out a way, or maybe he was just lucky, but it happened to be the one thing that cuts across both terror and jobs.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, national security and the intersection with jobs and the economy, borders, all of it goes together. Dana, talk to us a little bit about the British piece of this, kind of a history in the U.K., how they have -- their certain perspective about national security and how this vote you think will play into it?

PERINO: Well, certainly, Britain has been our best ally in the war on terrorism. And they're very, very good in what they do. The number of plots they've disrupted should be commended. One thing that is a concern, is that you know, that anytime there's instability in any kind of government, that's when terrorists like to strike. Hopefully, I'm not suggesting that's going to happen in Europe. But at this point, there is instability. Nobody's exactly sure what's going to happen. So it's imperative that the intelligence community and law enforcement work closely together. And we should help there as much as we can as well.

On the immigration point, I'll talk to the British piece which is Britain has very, very soft, they're considered a soft touch in Europe. So if you are a refugee, and let's say you're trying to get to Europe, you might get to Hungary and you say, I don't want to stop in Hungary, I want to get to Britain.


PERINO: Maybe you have family there, but also you know they're actually very generous. And it got to be a little too much for a country that has very low economic growth. Also, look at the map of the U.K., the southeast, very wealthy, relatively good economy. And so they voted to remain. But people in the other parts of the country that have dealt with huge influxes of immigration, they voted to leave.


GUILFOYLE: So Greg Terror looks for opportunity, right.


GUILFOYLE: They look for opportunity; they look for soft targets right now in the wake of this Brexit vote and the instability that we have touched on here. Then the UK can be perceived by those in ISIS and those that practice Jihad as vulnerable in some way especially with David Cameron coming up to resign etcetera.

GUTFELD: you know it's, I do not know if you remember this, but when there were terror attacks in in Belgium, Brussels there is a law against police raids. Do you remember this? --

GUILFOYLE: After five PM

GUTFELD: -- You cannot raid certain places after five PM.


GUTFELD: So what you are seeing is you are having the control of your sovereignty and your safety in a country that is essentially incompetent. So, if our terror infrastructure was in Canada or Mexico we'd be pretty worried too. So people actually voted for something that they knew would hurt them financially; because it was their security that mattered more.

WILLIAMS: But you know what here's the thing. They have got now a relationship with the European Union in terms of security, sharing information.


WILLIAMS: They have put that relationship at risk. --


WILLIAMS: -- and you what oh because now the question is the European Union --

GUILFOYLE: But we do not have relationship with them and we cooperate with them.

WILLIAMS: -- the European Union is not going to be happy about what happened today. But let me tell you --

PERINO: But do they need the Brits to protect them?

WILLIAMS: -- Oh No, No, No --

GUILFOYLE: The UK is too big to fail or be shut out. They need them.

WILLIAMS: -- Let me tell you, they need NATO to protect them and so the NATO relationship, which is something Obama spoke to today, said Oh do not worry about NATO. But guess what? NATO now comes in --

PERINO: NATO has much bigger other problems.

WILLIAMS: -- Let me tell you one other thing. --

GUTFELD: When we negotiate things, when we negotiate all these treaties

WILLIAMS: -- We cannot negotiate on your terms that we just left --

GUTFELD: It is easy, it is easy to renegotiate.

WILLIAMS: -- How are you going to --

GUTFELD: -- Unlike that climate deal its over

(LAUGHTER) WILLIAMS: If you left your wife, if you left your wife you think she is going to say oh lets negotiate. Or buddy see my lawyer?

GUTFELD: It happens all the time, but not with my wife, we are very happy together.

WILLIAMS: Let me just tell you something, if (INAUDIBLE) right now --


WILLIAMS: -- ISIS, ISIS puts out a statement, they are happy. Vladimir Putin puts out a statement, he is happy. Oh, gee do you see a connection? Is there a threat here?

PERINO: Trump is happy, what does that mean? I mean there is no connection.

WILLIAMS: Yes there is a connection. Our enemies, our enemies are happy

BOLLING: ISIS is going to take credit for everything. They are not happy for anything that, it is not going to become less safe because the UK pulled out of the EU.

WILLIAMS: Yes it is.

BOLLING: Putin said he is happy because the pound dropped, which helps his currency trades.

WILLIAMS: Yes, but he also thinks it weakens the military alliance

GUTFELD: Juan, Juan, Juan, one question. One question. Why do you pull out? When you do not have protection. GUILFOYLE: OK

GUTFELD: Oh, oh my God. I do not think I am going to answer

GUILFOYLE: Anyway. Thank you Gutfeld. All right. Directly ahead our amazing crowd gathered here on the Plaza for Fox family guests. Will get to ask us some questions. You don't want to miss it on this special edition of the Five. Stay with us.



GUTFELD: Welcome back. Our loyal Five Viewers are familiar with our Facebook Friday Segments. They are amazing. Well in honor of Fox Fan Weekend we are giving it a new twist. Our fans gathered here on the Plaza will ask us questions today. Plaza that is fancy for just space --

PERINO: Sidewalk.

GUTFELD: -- All Right. The first one is from Dave, Dave Silatka (ph) you are over there. What is your question young man?

DAVE SILATKA (ph), FOX FAN: My question is what has been your most embarrassing moment on The Five?




BOLLING: I can Start.

GUTFELD: Go for it.

BOLLING: One show I opened the show and I always have the cup, the blue cup with coffee in it; and once I opened the show and this is the Five and I go like this and I dumped my whole cup of coffee across Dana and Greg's notes. Right at the beginning of the show and Greg holds up his notes and they were dripping with coffee.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly, yes.

GUILFOYLE: Oh OK and I just kept reading because I was opening. I didn't stop. This place could be on fire and I'll keep reading.

GUTFELD: You can't even say your most embarrassing moment.

GUILFOYLE: Actually, which one? Is it the one when I was playing basketball?

GUTFELD: Yes, the basketball. GUILFOYLE: That was guaranteed. I don't really want to refer to it.

PERINO: You almost repeated that the other day on race book live.

GUILFOYLE: Lets' just say its' not a good idea to do under-handed shots, basketball shots while seated in a dress.

GUTFELD: Or at least know where the camera is at all times.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, Yes, somebody was like yes. But that was fun.


PERINO: I can see Greta. Hi Greta.



PERINO: Lets' see. It's happened to me several times that I get the giggles and I start laughing so hard that I can't finish talking, so I have to somebody, one of my co-hosts to finish my scenes for me or something at least. Those a pretty embarrassing.


PERINO: Have I even had another one?

WILLIAMS: You know, I have never discussed this it, but it is similar to what happened to Eric; because I get a cup of hot tea with honey before the show starts and I sip on it, right --


WILLIAMS: -- and then Allie (ph) comes over and takes it from me in the break, but sometimes, well one time she spilled it on my crotch.


WILLIAMS: You know, you know the camera, we came back and I was like Hi its' nice to be back (in high-pitched, pained voice)


GUTFELD: That can be your nickname, hot crotched Juan. My embarrassing moments are never on the show. They are always on twitter.


GUTFELD: That is when I get the phone call the next day, Greg, what did you do last night? I do not remember.

PERINO: This is true.

GUILFOYLE: But the world does.

GUTFELD: The world does.

GUILFOYLE: When you put it in writing.

GUTFELD: All right. Question two from Lauren (ph) Bernal (ph) and RJ

BOLLING: All right.

GUTFELD: Who is going to read this one?

RJ, FOX FAN: I am.

GUTFELD: All right, you are RJ.

RJ: All right, Dana can I please play with Jasper if he is here? I really like him and you and Kimberly. You are my favorite people from the Five.


PERINO: Sweetie, Thank you.

GUTFELD: You know what? That is sexist.



GUTFELD: Hold on, Hold on.

GUILFOYLE: It is his sister. You said it is the little sister said it.

GUTFELD: You are sexist. Hold on.


RJ: She's Seven. GUTFELD: Is it Lauren? Is that her name?

RJ: Yes, Lauren.

GUTFELD: Can Lauren step up to the mic?


PERINO: It is take your dog to work day, but I did not get to bring my dog today.

WILLIAMS: By the way Greg, I don't think it is sexist, I think he is smart. He is a pretty smart guy.

GUTFELD: Yes we know where he is going tonight. All Right. Question three. This is from Judy Morrison (ph.) Go for it Judy

JUDY MORRISON, FOX FAN: This is my husband Ray


JUDY: It is his 73rd Birthday.

GUTFELD: Happy Birthday.


JUDY: He loves the Five and He love Kimberly. So, if they could have a hug.

GUILFOYLE: I think I see where this is going. Come over here.


RAY MORRISON, FOX FRIEND: Thank you. Thank you very much.


GUILFOYLE: There you go. OK. Happy Birthday.

RAY: Thank you.

GUTFELD: All right.

GUILFOYLE: Anyone else going to pretend it is their birthday? All Right.


GUTFELD: (INAUDIBLE) There is a paramedic coming to pick up her husband. He collapsed. All Right Kelly (ph) Spellman(ph,) Right?


GUTFELD: (INAUDIBLE). What is your question?

KELLY: Hi, I was wondering if you guys could have a substitute sixth host, or a sixth host, who would it be historically or present day?

PERINO: Interesting.

GUTFELD: You want to start Dana?

PERINO: I would love to have President Bush join us. That would be great.

GUTFELD: I saw that one. Can't argue with that.

PERINO: Or Dirks Bentley.

GUTFELD: I've got Dirks Bentley. Eric.

BOLLING: How about Ronald Reagan? --

GUILFOYLE: I knew you were going to say that.

BOLLING: -- I would love to see Ronald Reagan sit here and go like this.

GUTFELD: What about his dad?

BOLLING: I wonder if people would say he was not far right enough.

GUTFELD: Yes, it is true. These days who knows?

BOLLING: You never know.

WILLIAMS: Well I can tell you they would day he was not far right enough, I know that, but I mean you know I think a great talk show host, right. So I would think like, imagine if Johnny Carson, right. If Johnny Carson was on the Five he would love it. I think this is, for the twenty-first century, this is like a great talk show; because you hear everybody, I mean I would not be here unless you heard everybody's point of view. And you hear it all and it is like tuning in to Carson. You know you just get happy. It is like cocktail hour, it is fun.

GUTFELD: All Right Juan.

PERINO: What show are you watching?


GUILFOYLE: I have a good one. One person in particular stands out to me, Condolezza Rice. I am a huge fan of hers. I can't wait to have the first female president one day, and it would be her not Hillary Clinton. But, She is fantastic. Dana introduced me to her so that was like a big dream.

GUTFELD: Id say, you know who I would pick? This guy Dave, who I sublet my apartment to, and left with my deposit. And I have not seen him I like five years. So if he was here I would take the money from him and beat the crap out of him. All Right.


GUTFELD: Yes. And if he is watching I am going to get you. All right, Where am I. Meg Dowling (ph)




GUTFELD: What is your question?

MEG: My question is for Juan. I want to know what is it like being the only liberal in the show?

WILLIAMS: Oh. So we were talking

BOLLING: Are you sure he is the only one?

WILLIAMS: Look at that an exchange of looks. You know they treat me pretty well. Sometimes there is a little bit of elbowing you know, but I get used to it because you know what ultimately it is like family and so these guys are my friends.

PERINO: We love Juan. It is true

GUTFELD: We love Juan. GUILFOYLE: We all love Juan.


BOLLING: it is actually a very good gig too because you get to be the other side of four other people's arguments. So you are --

PERINO: I do know that that is like the best place to be.

BOLLING: -- These guys, we cut him off a lot, but if we do a word count (INAUDIBLE) the most words.

WILLIAMS: Oh yes, yes, yes.

GUILFOYLE: But he has no one repeating his talking points so every idea is unique and (INAUDIBLE) --

GUTFELD: But Juan comes here well-armed. He has his stuff together.


WILLIAMS: Yes, yes.

GUTFELD: Wonderful

WILLIAMS: I will tell you the hardest part.

GUTFELD All Right.

WILLIAMS: I am competing with Greg and Eric for the sexiest guy, that is the competition.

GUTFELD: Thank you for that. Rachel Jones.


GUTFELD: Go for it with your question.

RACHEL: Hi Y'all. I was wondering if you liked your eggs benedicts with Canadian bacon or American bacon?

GUTFELD: Canadian!

PERINO: Canadian.

GUTFLED: Who puts American bacon on eggs Benedict?

GUILFOYLE: I have never had American Bacon on eggs Benedict.

GUTFLED: Get out of here.

PERINO: Where are you from, wait where are you from?

RACHEL: I am from Dallas

PERINO: OK. Maybe this is explaining it --

GUILFOYLE: OK. Don't mind Greg.

PERINO: -- You are pretty far from Canadian Bacon.

GUILFOYLE: He might be on an institution thing.

GUILFOYLE: How about you?

PERINO: Eric does not eat bacon.

BOLLING: But I eat turkey, so turkey bacon, is that all right?

GUTFLED: Boo on turkey bacon.

WILLIAMS: I have to tell you, there is no question, I once saw a book, the title of the book was bacon the candy of meat. It is --


WILLIAMS: -- It is just delicious.

PERINO: Have you ever had candied bacon?

WILLIAMS: I will take it either way. But you do it, you actually do it with American Bacon?


WILLIAMS: I am going to try it.

GUTFELD: I have to get the last word in. Thank you darling --

GUILFOYLE: I didn't get one.

GUTFELD: -- All Right Quickly.

GUILFOYLE: I want both. Why not? --

GUTFELD: Yes, Double it up Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: -- Why Choose?

GUTFELD: It's twice as fun. All Right Rick Burnett (ph)

RICK BURNETT(ph), FOX FRIEND: Hi. For Dana Especially, but all of you must have traveled extensively in jour jobs. What is the most exciting place you have been to or most memorable.

PERINO: I would say, February 2008 I got to go for a week to Africa with President Bush and we went to five countries in seven days, and in typical Bush style we hit it hard and that was amazing.

GUTFELD: All right. Anybody else, quick.

BOLLING: Niagara Falls is beautiful --


GUILFOYLE: Niagara Falls!

BOLLING: -- No I actually worked at --

PERINO: I have never been there

BOLLING: -- I worked for Mobile Oil for a while and they sent me up to Niagara Falls.

GUILFOYLE: He meant this job.

WILLIAMS: You know what was great, I went to the Olympics in China and that opening session, you know, in Beijing in the birds nest, that was pretty fabulous.


GUILFOYLE: For this job, the Republican convention.

GUTFELD: Yes. And the most exciting place I've ever been to, Port Authority bathrooms.


GUTFELD: 42nd and 8th, you never know what is going to happen in there. You make a lot of friends accidentally.


BOLLING: Was that your Number one? GUTFELD: Yes, Yes yes yes. (LAUGHTER)

GUTFELD: I tutor a lot of runaways

GUILFOYLE: All right, take it back.

GUTFELD: Up next the Five is hitting the road. For the RNC and DNC conventions in our fancy bus in just three weeks from today. A preview of our big adventure and stories of our favorite road trip memories. Please make this tease longer.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back to the The Five. It is the Fun weekend here on The Five. But we want to remind our viewers about that -- zoom road trip we are going on in three weeks, exactly three weeks. The Five's first ever road trip. All of us together. On July 15th, we'll be hopping on a bus a little bigger than this bugger here, and we'll take a ride to Cleveland and then Philadelphia for the Republican and Democratic National conventions. To help us get in the spirit, we're going to take a trip down memory lane and talk about our Favorite road trip memories right now. Beginning with Miss Dana Perino.

PERINO: We drove back and forth from Denver to Wyoming over and over again. My Dad said we had 255 air conditioning, with windows down. 55 Miles an hour. There's very few radio stations for a long stretch. I remember that my sister at one point she got mad at me because I was sticking my feet in her face. She ripped off my Bert and Ernie sock and threw it out the window while we were driving down the highway. My parents did not stop and I remember now that they told me they were laughing at me. (INAUDIBLE) a fun memory

WILLIAMS: Eric, Eric. Good little story. Eric.

BOLLING: When we were little we drove from Chicago to Florida, once a year, the one week vacation we got. And the same thing windows down - what -- it's 1200 miles. I used to cross off one, two, three, four, all the way up To 1200 --

PERINO: Oh my god.

BOLLING: -- So finally every one -- only to 1200 until we arrived --

WILLIAMS: You had a map?

BOLLING: every time --

PERINO: This explains a lot.

BOLLING: No I just wrote 1200 - I know --

WILLIAMS: What, what, what, what?

BOLLING: I would write one to 1200 on a piece of paper, or several pieces of paper. Every time we would knock off Ten miles --

WILLIAMS: No wonder you're Eric Bolling.

BOLLING: Well numbers.

WILLIAMS: That was great. What about you KG?

GUILFOYLE: OK. So, one time I was a little bit of a damsel in distress. I was driving and I got a flat tire. I don't know, if anybody knows, they're not that easy to fix. But luckily some firemen were driving by in a truck -

PERINO: of course they were.

GUILFOYLE: -- and they saw an emergency situation and they all got off the truck and they changed my tire for me and offered dinner to me at the Firehouse.

BOLLING: Very nice.


GUILFOYLE: One of the many reasons I love Firemen.

WILLIAMS, That is one - you know we can only hope that happens to us on the bus. Gregory?

GUTFELD: Well this is a pretty Incredible story. I went on a fishing trip with two of these girls. This was a couple of Years ago. In a Ford thunderbird convertible. We were going and we stopped at a tavern right. Some guy starts messing with one of the girls and the other girl Shoots the dude --

PERINO oh come on.

GUTFELD: -- No I'm not kidding. Then we decide we have got to get out of here. So let's go to Mexico. So we go to Mexico, right, and we're there and we're freaking out. And the girls meet this guy who looks a little bit Like Brad Pitt -

BOLLING: Brad Pitt.

GUTFELD: -- His name is JD, his name is JD. So they are hanging out with him. and --

PERINO: Is this "The Mexican?" movie?


GUTFELD: -- they wake up the next Morning and JD has taken their life Savings. So they freak out. They take some guns from a state trooper, they blow up a fuel tanker, and when they're about to get caught, They drive off a cliff. I was left there.

WILLIAMS: You know this is--

PERINO: Plagiarizer.

WILLIAMS -- wow, wow, wow, wow --

GUILFOYLE: That is the movie "The Mexican"

WILLIAMS: You know this is just too much. Its' a little much.

BOLLING: Thelma and Louise.

GUTFELD: No it is Thelma and Louise.

WILLIAMS: I must say my experience is more like can i stop at the New Jersey turnpike and go to the Bathroom. Anyway. One more thing. Up next. But don't forget our trip!



BOLLING: All Rightie, time for one more thing and Greg starts it.

GUTFELD: Where am I? Over there. Hey, so be sure to watch my show tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m., it's going to be a doozy. We got one of the great professional wrestlers and of course the shocking Gavin Mckenneth will Try to control him and then edit out everything he says. 10:00 p.m.

BOLLING: that's it?


BOLLING: OK tonight make sure you watch "O'Rielly Factor." Big "O'Rielly Factor," a special Guest, Bill O'Rielly will be on Tonight. True story, I kid you not. --

PERINO: Does he interview himself?

BOLLING: -- Also Austan Goolsbee and Sebastian Gorka.

PERINO: Sebastian Gorka.

BOLLING: I interview him. I have got to check this guy out right here. Check this out. what's your name?


BOLLING: where are you from?

MCCOACHER: New Jersey.

BOLLING: What Part:


BOLLING: Come on you can do this

MCCOACHER: Grantsville

BOLLING: How about you?

DEBRA LAMB, AUDIENCE MEMBER: Hi. Debra Lamb from Brentwood, Long island.

BOLLING: Long Island. Anyone else here. Who is from California or from Texas?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Westchester County



BOLLING: Dallas, Texas. DT.


BOLLING: Pennsylvania


BOLLING: And what about this? Whose book is that?


BOLLING: Greg Gutfeld's book, "How to be Right". All right. Dana, you're up.

PERINO: OK so we've been talking a lot about Britain on the show. I saw this story and I had to bring it to you. Did you know that there's Something called foreign accent Syndrome. It can happen to you. It happened to Lisa Alameya. She is a Native Texan. She went in for jaw surgery and Came out and sounded like this.


LISA ALAMEYA: It's been a bit chaotic. People who don't know me, hey, where are you from? i'm from Rosenberg. Oh you are, where is that. Right here in Rosenberg. Oh you're from here? One thing I always said was Just kitten and i can't say Kid-ing any more unless I slow It down.


GUTFELD: I can't believe that.

PERINO: No Greg, this is true. Greg thinks I am making it up.

GUTFELD: That is impossible.

PERINO: It's called foreign accent Syndrome.

GUTFELD: You have to have access in your brain for that accent.

PERINO: Doctors, please tweet and prove him wrong.


GUILFOYLE: All right I've got a cute one if you like kissing, this Little French bulldog and this fish, believe it or not, cannot Stop kissing each other. Look at how cute this is.


Fish kissing dog.


GUILFOYLE: So Karen Brady bought a new fish For her 13 foot pond. She had no idea the fish keeps coming up to kiss the bulldog. That's a 7- year-old bulldog named Daisy. How cute is that? She has a bunch about like 11 fish.

PERINO: Oh Man. Jasper would love that so much.

GUILFOYLE: None of them want to get the smooch on like this one with --

GUTFELD: this is perverted.

GUILFOYLE: -- with cute little Daisy. GUTFELD: Guys this is perverted.

WILLIAMS: Yes. Watch out, watch out for those cats.

GUILFOYLE: Oh and I'm on Hannity tonight.

GUTFELD: The country is going to hell.

GUILFOYLE: Check me out on Hannity.

WILLIAMS: All right

BOLLING you know what daisy likes? Daisy likes sushi.

WILLIAMS: That's why I am going to say Watch out for those cats.

Hey so we're in midtown Manhattan, we're Surrounded by skyscrapers and our wonderful friends, but if you're in L.A. this weekend you Got to go to the U.S. Bank Building, they have a,


WILLIAMS (voice-over): on the 70th floor, a slide, glass Slide, --

PERINO: No, no no no no no

WILLIAMS: you can slide down from The 70th floor


WILLIAMS: to the 69th floor, It is scary.


WILLIAMS: Big-time scary. At the tallest observation deck now in California. But you got to go on the sky slide.


WILLIAMS: That's next for "The Five" --

GUILFOYLE: I Might do that

WILLIAMS -- I think that's where I'm taking it next. Greg, Would you do that?


GUTFELD: No, I would only do it with Hot crotch.

GUILFOYLE: what did you call me?

WILLIAMS: you fell for it.

BOLLING: We have to leave it right there. Thank you to everyone who joined us, thank you, guys.

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