Why Did They Look Into It?

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

The New York Times has been asking lawyers who specialize in adoption cases for advice on how to get into the seal ed court records on Supreme Court nominee John Roberts' two adopted children.

There is no indication The Times had any evidence there was anything improper in the family's adoption of five-year-old Josie and four-year-old Jack, both born in Latin America. Sources familiar with the matter told FOX News that at least one lawyer turned the Times down flat, saying that any effort to pry into adoption case records, which are always sealed, would be reprehensible.

A Times spokesman said the paper was simply asking questions, and that only initial inquiries had been made.

Presidential Praise

Speaking of The Times, the paper has reported that an official from the Discovery Institute -- a Seattle-based firm that supports the theory of intelligent design -- praised President Bush for saying schools should teach about the theory by saying, "We interpret this as the president using his bully pulpit to support freedom of inquiry and free speech about the issue of biblical origins."

But the official didn't say that. What he said was that the president was encouraging discussion on "biological origins." Oops. The Times has now issued a correction.

Searches Are Unconstitutional?

The New York Civil Liberties Union has sued New York City and its police department for conducting random searches of subway riders, insisting that such searches are unconstitutional and could lead to "impermissible racial profiling." Specifically, the complaint, filed on behalf of five subway riders, claims that the searches violate the Fourth Amendment's prohibition of unreasonable searches.

The complaint says it's "virtually certain" that searches won't deter any terror attacks, adding, "our constitutional regime" provides adequate ways to do that. The suit did not explain how these searches are legally different from the random full body searches now performed routinely at airports.

Restricted By Riley?

More than a month after the Supreme Court ruled that local governments could seize private land under eminent domain to foster economic development, Alabama Republican Governor Bob Riley has signed into law a bill -- passed unanimously by a special session of the state legislature -- that prohibits governments from taking land under eminent domain and giving it to retail, industrial, residential or office developers. Riley says he has started a "property rights revolt" across the nation. (Source: The Washington Times)

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report