
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 19, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Andrea Tantaros, Julie Roginsky, Eric Bolling, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

The prime minister of Israel has spoken to Fox News for the first time since his re-election victory on Tuesday. The full interview airs on the Kelly File at 9:00 p.m. Eastern tonight but we have a preview. Benjamin Netanyahu insists he did not rule out the prospect of a two-state solution in the run-up to the election.


MEGYN KELLY, THE KELLY FILE HOST: In 2009, you said you supported a peace deal that would recognize the Palestinian state, but the day before Tuesday's election, you completely reversed that. Why?

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, PRIME MINISTER OF ISRAEL: I didn't. I didn't retract any of the things I said in my speech six years ago calling for a solution in which a demilitarized Palestinian state recognizes a Jewish state. I said that the conditions for that today are not achievable.

KELLY: In the wake of your statements earlier this week however, President Obama -- he apparently sees the difference because he now reportedly is saying that he sees no path to a peace agreement and is threatening to abandon Israel at the United Nations which would reverse decades of history. What would that mean for Israel?

NETANYAHU: Well, I hope that's not true. I think that President Obama has said time and time again, as I have that the only path to a peace agreement is an agreement, a negotiated agreement. You can't impose it. You can't force the people of Israel who just elected me by a wide margin to bring them peace and security to secure the state of Israel, to accept terms that would endanger the survival of the state of Israel. I don't think that's the direction of American policy. I hope it's not.


PERINO: The White House stood firm today on its view that Netanyahu did walk back his pledge to a two-state approach and said there will be consequences.


JOSH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: What is apparent is that in the context of the campaign and while he was the sitting prime minister of Israel, he walked back from commitments that Israel had previously made to a two-state solution. That means that we need to re-evaluate our position.
Words matter.


PERINO: Here's a question for you, Andrea. Why not just take the opportunity then to cool tensions if you're at the White House? If Netanyahu is explaining and saying if we're going to do this, the Palestinians have to meet us halfway. That hasn't been the case up until now. The White House continues to ratchet things up rather than trying to take the opportunity to say let's take him at his word and work together.
They are in a bad position and they are making things worse.

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: And I think they have a lot of egg on their face because they tried to meddle in the election and they lost.
It's true. I mean, the last time that Netanyahu won in 2003, the president took six days to call him. This time around, he's appearing openly adversarial when Israel on the other hand is not appearing that way at all.
Yesterday, the deputy prime minister came and said we want to have an intimate relationship. Let's bridge build again and then, Netanyahu said a similar thing with Megyn Kelly. I mean, they have extended the olive branch to the White House. The White House has basically advertised. I think, Dana, that they are not going to have Israel's back and they are basically saying, Iran, if you want to attack Israel, we're not going to have the backs of the Israelis, which I think is very, very, dangerous. Also, Dana, today, the president was asked about Netanyahu at an energy event. He said I don't really want to talk about that. Isn't energy in the Middle East intrinsically linked? To me it just seemed like a really classless thing to do. He should have had a statement ready to go. It would have been the perfect time for him to you know say something, congratulatory and be the bigger person and admit that Netanyahu won and if he wants to see peace in the Middle East which is what he says, now is the time to do it.

PERINO: Let's talk about the U.N. Security Council thing. So, last night, Eric, there was a senior administration official who floated an idea out there that the United States might have to rethink it's whole Middle East plan which actually may not be a bad idea. But they suggested that the United States might walk away from its decade's long commitment to providing alliance to Israel in the United Nations Security Council and to me, that's signaling to Hamas and Hezbollah and people around the world that it's OK to hate on Israel and the United States won't necessarily be there.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: So what you just outlined is basically sanctions to Israel. Any way you slice it, if you're going to pullback support, that's a sanction. If you had it before and you're taking it back, the Obama administration is now suggesting we sanction Israel while we are sitting at the table with Iran. What message are we sending to Iranians who are now going to go, wow. They're pushing back and doing everything we want. They are giving more and more cards to the Iranians. We might as well give them our whole hand and say pick which cards you want. We'll get back to you. Unbelievable that for three days after Netanyahu's elected by a wide margin, President Obama can't pick up the phone and say congratulations. We still got your back. You're great ally. Meanwhile, the real threat to America, the number one and Bob would disagree with this, he thinks it may be the Chinese, Iran is the biggest threat to us for so many reasons. For terror reasons, for energy reasons, for hating everything we stand for reasons. We're dancing with one and jolting another and we got it all backwards.

PERINO: I am just hearing in my ear that President Obama has finally called Prime Minister Netanyahu. All right, let's hear it for America. Way to go.
OK, Eric mentioned Iran and I want to play for you this sound from Senator Marco Rubio and then get Greg's take.


SENATOR MARCO RUBIO: We have had historically in this country a very strong bipartisan commitment to Israel's security and its future. This president has threatened that through his personal animus toward the prime minister and I think that's deeply unfortunate and troubling and I have no idea why he is more willing to speak to the Iranians and show more respect for Iran than he is to show respect for our strong ally.


PERINO: That's the point you've been making. Why do we save our toughest language for our allies?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Maybe if Israel hated us, Obama would like them more because it is part of the perennial activist mentality is that engaging the enemy of the west who perceives defending your ally. You don't have to like the world leaders but you have to kind of respect them.
You can take the organizer out of the teacher's lounge, but you're never going to take the teacher's lounge out of the organizer. And part of the radical campus ideology will always be opposition to Israel and the idea of the power versus the powerless and the power will always be the west and everybody else is the powerless. Israel is a proxy for the United States and they like poking it in the eye.

PERINO: I see.

GUTFELD: I'm done there.


GUTFELD: I'm done. One more point. In 2075, there's going to be a show and Megyn Kelly, Jr., is going to be on and Benjamin Netanyahu, Jr., is going to be on. And you know what they're going to talk about? A two-state solution because this story goes on and on and on and we have to cover it, we have to cover it. We don't even know who Bibi beat. Does anybody remember his name?

TANTAROS: Yes. Herzog.


GUTFELD: Because you just read it.


GUTFELD: Nobody knows this stuff.


PERINO: It will be like a reality show.

BOLLING: Let's hope that little Megyn Kelly and a two-state solution isn't
-- let's keep Israel around. Israel is surrounded by people who want to wipe them off the map. One of the things that keeps all of the countries around them from fighting Israel at once on all borders is our backing.

PERINO: Let me ask you, since we just got news that President Obama has finally called Netanyahu.


GUTFELD: Can I say that, how dare he call Bibi Netanyahu?


GUTFELD: No, I just want to take the opposite point of view.

PERINO: OK. All right. I don't know if anybody agrees with you on that one.

GUTFELD: That's the point.

PERINO: OK. OK. Can I get you in here now? Why does the White House always have to be dragged kicking and screaming into just doing the right thing?

JULIE ROGINSKY, GUEST CO-HOST: Well, you know, I agree with a lot of what you said. This would have been a good time for everybody to just calm down and chill. Israelis have spoken. It may not be the answers that the Obama administration or frankly I wanted, but that's who they elected.
He is going to be the next prime minister. He'll form the next government.
So to that point, we have to live with him. We have to work with him. He walked back the two-states -- we shouldn't think I think on a dime today. I don't know what that says about him and the voters who voted for him because he ruled out the two-state solution when he was running. But nevertheless, he sort of extended an olive branch. Now would be the time for everybody to just calm down and just say look, we had some bad situations going on. You disrespected me by coming here and speaking to congress without letting me know. You think I disrespected you by not calling you or working against you or having proxies work against you. But nevertheless, this is what happened. The election is over. Let's all get together and try to work this out. They are our only ally in the Middle East. I mean, they are not our only ally. They are the only real democracy in the Middle East.


PERINO: And Netanyahu could say and next time if you're going to call me a chicken you know what? Do it to my face.



PERINO: The better thing to do is to praise in public and criticize in private. That's what you do with your friends if you're upset with them.
Apparently, on the call, President Obama reiterated his commitment to a two-state solution as well. So, now, actually, on the record, you have both leaders from America and from Israel saying they are committed to a two- state solution. Here's who you don't have speaking yet. Where are the Palestinians? Because their conditions prevented a two-state solution from being able to move forward. Netanyahu at the behest of Obama stopped the settlements.

TANTAROS: The Palestinians actually need to come forward now. Maybe that's where pressure should come from.

TANTAROS: All the people that should be putting their cards on the table aren't like with Iran. The Palestinians should put their cards on the table. They're not. Also, this is the first time we've seen someone at the state department, John Kerry, pick up the phone and start talking to Hamas, which is a terrorist organization. We talked yesterday about how the White House is downplaying in its intelligence report the threat of Hezbollah and threat of Iran which makes people wonder why are they doing this. Are they going to lift sanctions? Also, Dana, I think it's troubling today the AP reported that Iran will be able to keep 6,000 of its centrifuges. That's enough to make a bomb. This is the same day he called Netanyahu. I mean, look, I'm glad he called, but I'm focused on the actions that really, really matter and this one matters, 6,000 centrifuges. They are on their way to becoming a nuclear Iran and President Obama, he has got a Peace Prize for God's sake, a Peace Prize. Everything that he's doing is unpeaceful.

ROGINSKY: I would disagree with that. I mean, look, ultimately I think Netanyahu understands and I think most Israelis understand that there's one of two choices when it comes to Iran. We either try to get -- it's not going to be a good deal, it's not going to be an ideal deal. But try to get some sort of deal that potentially pushes back their program and I'm not suggesting this is likely, but I think the only possibility or somebody is going to have to bomb them which will set them back for a year or two, but it won't set it back permanently.

BOLLING: Third choice.


BOLLING: Sanctions. Financial sanctions were working.


BOLLING: President Obama lifted the sanctions that were working. The Iranians will tell you that. The world -- everyone will tell you that. The world committee will tell you the economic sanctions we're putting on Iran were driving the economy into the ground.


PERINO: Why, Greg, should the United States march toward next Tuesday, which is the deadline of the talks to actually then put a stamp of approval on bad behavior?


ROGINSKY: I think they should move the deadline.

GUTFELD: Again, this is the president who blames the United States actions for ISIS. So if you were a progressive again, you have to go back to its always the powerful versus the powerless and our adversaries are the people that he kind of goes to because he feels that we have been wrong in negotiations in the past. It is interesting if you look back how Israel is now a team sport. On the left, you have Alex Wagner who called Bibi a Scooby-Doo villain and then on the right, I think it was the Post which called Obama a bond villain. So the real villain is this petty behavior that prevents adults from getting together and stopping Iran. The fact is Obama did try to e-mail Bibi but Netanyahu is not on Yahoo.

PERINO: I was just thinking, you know, we got to run, Iran -- to the tease.

TANTAROS: Guys, we're going to get out of here.

ROGINSKY: You mean like Iran?

PERINO: Iran like I run. Past tense.


PERINO: I was just really trying.

GUTFELD: I know. It's OK. You tried to do 13 minutes at a topic that we just ran out at five minutes.

PERINO: No. I actually think we got to 12.


PERINO: OK. Now, we have to go. Next on the Five, Coffee Talk with Greg Gutfeld. Grab your lattes for this one.


GUILFOYLE: It's time for Greg's Happy Time racism quiz. Please watch this video, prepare for questions and then transformative dialogue.




GUILFOYLE: So what do those cats signify? The big cat is anyone who hasn't had their morning coffee yet and the little cat is me asking them about race. As you know, Starbucks boss, Howard Schultz, wants to talk race with customers and it's not who do you like in Fifth at Belmont. It's such bad idea that even Kareem Abdul-Jabbar who really likes Schultz thinks it could probably lead to fights. Kareem says Schultz is brave, but it's not brave to force employees to chat up potentially unstable strangers about race.
Schultz puts his workers in a dangerous position, one that he would never assume for himself. It's like FNC telling me that after the Five I have to pull a shift at Taco Bell. I would give everyone E. coli on purpose.

And so, Eric Holder was actually right about cowardice and race, just wrong on who the cowards are. The cowards are those who won't admit that widespread victim status hurts minorities, that smearing everyone is racist, invites corrosive division, and that mocking other black voices be they Juan Williams, Walter Williams, Shelby Steele, or Thomas Sowell is a sign of weakness and that white liberals lowered expectations for its blacks. Now, that's the dialogue we should have. But it's not the one Schultz wants. The only one he wants starts and ends with wow, you're so brave Mr. Schultz, because this is all about his ego which only comes in one size, vente.


GUTFELD: Yes, Andrea, a little Starbucks humor there. Isn't this really cruel to the guy behind the counter?


GUTFELD: You don't have to do this. But you know, feel free to talk race with this guy that's obviously needs his coffee.

TANTAROS: Hasn't had his coffee yet. I don't want to talk to anyone about anything before I have my cup of coffee and this is why Keurig sales are going through the roof. I found a new love for my Keurig. It doesn't speak. It just brews my coffee, it doesn't say a word, and I love this. I don't know why CEOs have to get involved in these social issues, especially thorny ones. I mean, I'm sure he was well intentioned.

GUTFELD: I hate well intentioned people.

TANTAROS: I know. You hate those that want to bring people together. You want to divide.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.

TANTAROS: He cannot expect that he wasn't going to get blowback from this or is he that big of a fool?

GUTFELD: He thought he would get a lot of attention and back patting and not so much are you out of your mind?

PERINO: Greg, can you imagine the PR team sitting in the room brainstorming and then we could do this. It would be amazing. It would be great. Can't you just see it? The billable hours piling up, the ideas that nobody.


PERINO: There's no dissenting voice in the room that says excuse me, don't we have too many products and issues going on. Six months ago, they did a really great thing with veterans.


PERINO: They did a new book. That was the focus. I was like OK. I like you, Starbucks. We can all agree on this. Then five months later, we're now talking about race and I feel like they have too many products and too many issues.


TANTAROS: But how do you even bring it up? How would you even broach it?
I'll take coffee black.

GUTFELD: Speaking of.

PERINO: By the way, since you brought it up -- I mean, I don't understand.

GUTFELD: What do you think, Julie? Do you think Kareem -- Kareem thinks what Howard was doing was heroic, audacious and he thought it was great, but he says it's the wrong venue. It's the wrong place.

ROGINSKY: I got a good idea, why don't you go to inner city and open up a few Starbucks there and make people not pay as much. I pay like 10 bucks a day for my Starbucks habit literally.


ROGINSKY: For maybe two cups of coffee. So the problem is you can talk about race because you want to feel good about yourself. Why don't you do something? You want to help out poor African-American people? Why don't you open up a couple of stores for them? But Starbucks will never do that because that's not profitable.

GUTFELD: They do have a precise way. Wait, go ahead.

BOLLING: Look, I'm getting beaten senseless for agreeing with Starbucks.


GUTFELD: No one is hitting you.


PERINO: Not yet.

BOLLING: Almost to a person, we talk to a lot of people. Young people were in favor of this.

PERINO: Exactly.

BOLLING: The people between 15 and 25 years old.

TANTAROS: Because they don't have jobs. They have nowhere to go.


BOLLING: Fair enough. That's where he was going. He was saying.

PERINO: For their employees.


BOLLING: Well, I talked to the employees as well. They were almost all of them were like, I'm OK with it. I'm not being told to do it. I'm not certainly forced to do it. They were fine with it. It was older people who seem to have very strong opinions both black and white on this and almost to a tee older people were like this is a terrible idea. Maybe Schultz is onto something. He's targeting the millennials. He is targeting high school people.

GUTFELD: He's targeting naive people.

BOLLING: Perhaps.

TANTAROS: Eric, they can't even get my name right on the cup. It says like Ambria.

GUTFELD: That's a great name.


BOLLING: I talked to one of the managers. He said this. Look, we don't want to stop coffee-making. What we will do is we will make you coffee, and if there's time and there's an opportunity, we'll go to the side and have a discussion.


TANTAROS: If there's time? Have you seen the lines?


PERINO: What Starbucks in New York has time?

BOLLING: The reason why I agree with this, if you watch politicians, they're divisive because it works for them, Al Sharpton, President Obama, even people on the right. It works. You talk about race and you would be divisive and people listen to you or if you're on TV and you're a host and there's a race issue that's really provocative and hot, you put it on and it rates. So that's very divisive. This is like a grassroots effort to go.

PERINO: It's not grassroots.


PERINO: The thing is that younger people are not racist. They all agree with this because they don't have a racist bone in their body.

GUTFELD: The thing is that it's a myth if you believe that it's a bipartisan or bifurcated debate. There's only one debate. You have to admit that you live in a racist culture. That's all they, Schultz, wants you to say. That's the conversation. They want you to admit that you are wrong and then we can have the debate.

TANTAROS: And then you can get my coffee?

GUTFELD: Yes. Imagine being behind and you're in line and the conversation starts. I would go crazy. By the way, Keurig, amazing.

TANTAROS: And Tim Horton in the Keurig with Coffee Mate.

PERINO: It is going to lead to worse environmental problems because they're not biodegradable, those little cups. They said there's no Starbucks in Ferguson, Missouri.

BOLLING: Right. Or Compton.

ROGINSKY: That's my point. That's my point. They want to do something about helping out race relations?

BOLLING: They could open a less expensive Starbucks in Ferguson or Compton.


ROGINSKY: Don't pretend you want to help race relations.


GUTFELD: Can we disagree that the worse things about Starbucks is their choice of CDs that they sell. They are awful.


BOLLING: And they need to ramp up the food.

GUTFELD: Yeah. I like the protein plate. They have the little cheese and grapes. I like that.

PERINO: That is good.

GUTFELD: What are we talking about? Let's wrap this up. Should voting be mandatory for Americans and not a choice? Stay tuned.


TANTAROS: President Obama has an idea to get more people to the polls on Election Day. He thinks it would help offset the influence of big money in politics.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: In Australia, there's mandatory voting. It would be transformative if everybody voted. That would counteract money more than anything. It would change the political map in this country because the people who tend not to vote are young, they're lower income, they're skewed more heavily toward immigrant groups and minority groups. There's a reason why some folks try to keep them away from the polls. We should want to get them into the polls.


TANTAROS: Yeah. What could possibly go wrong if all eligible voters are required to vote?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: President Obama very upset with Joe Biden. Should he have removed Biden from office after he made the now legendary your mama joke to Vladimir Putin?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't feel that he should.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you think it was funny?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I thought it was.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What is your take on President Obama's decision to name Dennis Rodman ambassador to North Korea?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't think he has the experience for that position. I think the current ambassador is doing great job. We have really excellent relations with North Korea right now.


TANTAROS: So why didn't we use "Waters World," Greg? That's what would happen. We should have used the "Waters World" clip. Can't they just for one day not tell us what to do?

GUTFELD: Well, if you don't like it, we can force you to like it. That's kind of the liberal mantra.

But look, the government shouldn't be able to force you to do anything, which is why I love the draft, but I have to be against it, because you can't force people to do things. So I even have to give up certain things that I like that I would like to -- I would like to have bad manners against the law, but I can't.

And if the government forces you to do something, then the government no longer has to persuade you. It no longer has to be competent. If you have a draft, you don't have to explain the war. If you force people to vote, you really don't have to try that hard. That's the reason why force makes government incompetent and dangerous.

TANTAROS: And Eric, wouldn't the opposite happen? Because if everybody had to vote, then they would spend money and even millions more trying to target even more people to get out the vote.

BOLLING: First of all, President Obama cites some countries have a mandatory -- they're required to vote.


BOLLING: They also -- some countries also have mandatory military service.
Would he prefer that, as well? Would he like that, as well? Tie them both together? The answer would be no.

Mandatory, mandate, Obamacare. The guy's out of control. It's almost like dictatorship going on. "This is what I want to do. I want this. We will mandate you to do this." What's next? Mandate you to, I don't know, stop smoking.

This is a terrible idea. Mostly for what Greg points out, that if you don't like a Republican and a Democrat, you're going to be forced to vote for one of those?


BOLLING: This is godawful idea.

TANTAROS: And the constitutional professor seems to have forgotten that in the Constitution we have the right to associate with whatever political party we want, Dana, or we can disassociate all together.

PERINO: The great thing about America is that voting is a privilege; and you earn it, and you can exercise it if you want. People are trying to get
-- come to America so that they can have the freedom to express their opinions however they want.

Another place they have mandatory voting would be a place like Russia, where Putin gets re-elected by 98 percent of the vote. Right? How do you think that happens? That's what happens when you -- I'm not saying that happens everywhere, but there's only 11 countries in the world that have mandatory voting. Other countries like Italy gave it up in 1993. They said you cannot infringe on someone's human right and their decision whether to vote or not.

TANTAROS: Julie, you love this idea, I'm sure. And I bet you're supportive of a police force that's going to get people out to vote and then penalize them and tax them if they don't. What else is coming?

ROGINSKY: I -- I hate this idea. This is the stupidest idea ever. You cannot -- Dana, you nailed it. You cannot force somebody to do something they don't want to do. And the reality is -- and don't start with Obamacare, because that's different.

BOLLING: Why? Why?

ROGINSKY: I will tell you why. Because you not voting doesn't affect me.
You not having healthcare, I end up paying for your healthcare when you go to the hospital. So that's different.

But when it comes to voting, when it -- but when it comes to voting...

BOLLING: The mandate part is...

ROGINSKY: ... you have every right, as you said, to disengage. You don't want to engage? That's your right. Nobody should be forced to vote. This is a really dumb idea.

PERINO: Again, if you can't persuade people to come -- he's still mad about the 2014 election. He's so like, if only people had come out and voted for me.

TANTAROS: To vote for me!


GUTFELD: There's something wrong with this country. In his heart he believes there's something wrong with this country, and if you could just force change, everything would be better.

BOLLING: And Julie, you don't like President Obama for what he did with Netanyahu. You don't like him for this voting. I don't know. You're sounding like a...

TANTAROS: Julie, are you going to be switching your voter registration card after the show?

ROGINSKY: I'm not. I am not.

TANTAROS: Think of it.

ROGINSKY: I'm too smart.

TANTAROS: Up next, actress Gwyneth Paltrow steps in it again while trying to hit back at critics for accused her of being out of touch. What Gwynnie said this time coming up in Eric's "Fastest Seven."


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for...



GRAPHIC: The Fastest 7


BOLLING: ... the fastest 420 seconds on television. Three whimsical stories, seven whizzing minutes, one wistful host.

First up, yesterday we showed you a strange political ad produced by a pro- Hillary grassroots group. Today we bring you more of that befuddling campaign.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (DOING BILL CLINTON IMPRESSION): Put Hillary in the White House. I am homesick.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE (DOING BILL CLINTON IMPRESSION): ... to build support for Hillary. And the enthusiasm is hashtag #craycray. Join the campaign to make "herstory" and put a woman in the White House.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We want a woman president!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We want a woman president!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We want a woman president!


BOLLING: All right, Greg. Creepy?

GUTFELD: That should have come with a trigger warning. I feel something coming up.

I've said this before. There was -- by the way, he wants to put a woman in the White House. He's put a lot of women in the White House, usually after midnight.

There's nothing more sexist -- there's nothing more sexist than demanding that women vote for a woman just because she's a woman. The implication is they're not smart enough to understand the issues and the substance, so just vote on chromosomes.

BOLLING: All right. Now we have women's opinions, so bring it around.
Your thoughts?

TANTAROS: I think...

BOLLING: No blue dress; no red dress?

TANTAROS: I'm so glad they didn't use a blue dress. And that dress is dry cleaned and looks lovely. What about the bikini? I own one kind of like it. So I like it.

But I don't know why they would put Bill in this ad. To me, this doesn't make a lot of sense when you're trying to talk about women's issues.

PERINO: Well, he's more popular than she is.

TANTAROS: But that's the -- with women, and that's the problem.

ROGINSKY: They're putting him in the ad because I'm wondering, are they trying to run for Clinton's third term -- for Bill Clinton's third term or for Obama's third term?

And you're right, I mean, he is more popular than anybody else right now, and I think part of it is obviously that that's, in fact, the strategy, to remind people that you would be getting two for one.

BOLLING: You would get -- Bill with Hill...

ROGINSKY: And by the way, it's a great strategy, because I love -- I'm a Democrat who loves Bill Clinton. So...

TANTAROS: Hillary should just wear a Bill Clinton mask everywhere?

BOLLING: Not a bad idea.

All right. Last May, Gwyneth Paltrow claimed working on a movie being paid millions was harder work than the average woman working 9 to 5. Well, that didn't go so well for her, and now Ms. Paltrow says this.


GWYNETH PALTROW, ACTRESS: I'm incredibly close to the common woman in that I'm a woman. And I'm a mother. And we all are in a physical body with beating heart, with compassion and love. We are all seekers. We all want questions -- we all want fulfillment. We want to live our best lives. We want to be healthy and happy and squeeze the most that we can out of life.
I think that's all women.


BOLLING: Ands, is multimillionaire and million-dollar movie icon a commoner?

TANTAROS: Not quite. And when she said that we're all the same, we have a beating heart, I notice she left a functioning brain out of that litany of things.

You know, I like Gwyneth. And I've tried to defend Gwyneth numerous times, because I do think that, look, she's a rich girl. She's got her Goop site.
Good for her. But it's getting harder for me to defend you, Gwyn. I can't do it anymore.

BOLLING: Thought?

ROGINSKY: Yes, that's the common woman. Common women talk that way.
"I've got a beating heart and I've got" -- whatever she's got.

BOLLING: "I'm a woman."

ROGINSKY: "I'm a woman." That's exactly what common women do. We all sit around -- right guys? -- we all sit around and talk about our beating hearts and our $1,300 sweaters on Goop.

BOLLING: But the Goop site you're talking about...

TANTAROS: I was just on Goop, and you should see the prices of these items.

BOLLING: It's not -- it's not...

TANTAROS: Four-hundred-dollar track shorts, a $300 frying pan. I mean, the average woman isn't buying them.

BOLLING: Thoughts on Gwyneth being a common woman?

PERINO: Well, I think what she was trying to do is, if you picked up any women's magazine, what she just said is what you'll find in -- every month in almost all of the women's magazines, because women do kind of try to think that way. They like the sisterhood. And I just don't -- I don't pay it that much attention.

GUTFELD: I disagree completely. She is very close to the common woman.
She knows her maid's first name. She tips the nannies around Christmas.
And every now and then at Bloomingdale's, she'll make eye contact with the sales ladies.

BOLLING: Very nice.

ROGINSKY: She does not go to Bloomingdale's. She goes to Bergdorf's.
Get it straight.

BOLLING: Hold on. Let's get this one in. Finally, Mitt Romney will put his fame to good use in May when he'll step into the boxing ring with former heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield to raise money for Charity Vision, which gives medical support to blind people. Romney cautioned that the event will not be a true bout, though. You think?


MITT ROMNEY, FORMER GOVERNOR OF MASSACHUSETTS: I've trunks that come all the way to here, and I have a big helmet. So I think I'm pretty -- he's going to only have a couple of inches he'll be able to target.

KATIE COURIC, JOURNALIST: Are you going shirtless?

M. ROMNEY: Well, I presume so. You don't -- you don't go in there wearing a T-shirt, you know. So I expect so.

ANN ROMNEY, MITT'S WIFE: This will be fun.

M. ROMNEY: I doubt there are going to be any serious blows landed in any direction. I hope none come this way. And I know there are none that could possibly come from me.



PERINO: Just please don't hit that face. Come on.

TANTAROS: Perfect teeth.

BOLLING: He's amazing. Shirtless or not shirtless?

GUTFELD: Romney fighting Evander. I guess he loves getting beaten by black guys.

ROGINSKY: Whoa! That's terrible.


BOLLING: We should end the segment right there. And -- good cause, though.

TANTAROS: I'm just glad Katie Couric asked the question that every woman was wondering. Is he going to go topless? And he is.

Although I wish he would have done this during the presidential campaign.

PERINO: No kidding.

TANTAROS: He would be so much more likable. He needed to do this and do this fun kind of stuff when he was running for president; not now.

ROGINSKY: I've got to say I was in Boston in '94 when he ran against Ted Kennedy and my roommate was working for him. So I went to the primary victory party, which really wasn't a victory party. There was not much of a primary. He was so good looking back then, and his sons were so good looking back then that just -- don't hit the face. That's all I ask.
Don't hit the face.

PERINO: That's what I say.

ROGINSKY: Don't hit the face.

TANTAROS: Is that sexist that we're saying these types of things?

ROGINSKY: Probably.

BOLLING: OK. We're going to leave it right there. Next on "The Five,"
Hillary Clinton thinks America has to lighten up and have more fun. Her idea to change all that, ahead on "The Five."


ROGINSKY: It's been a rough few weeks for Hillary Clinton, but she's got an idea to have more fun.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: As I have gotten older, I have decided we really need camps for adults.

I think we have a huge fun deficit in America, and we need to figure out how to fill that fun deficit, certainly for our kids but also for the rest of us.


ROGINSKY: So she was speaking at the American Camp Association so it's not like she was at some random event.

PERINO: How much did she get paid for that?

GUTFELD: Two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Ten grand for
awkward silence.

ROGINSKY: You can have a lot of fun with that kind of money.


ROGINSKY: But you know, I hated camp when I was little. So I'm actually not really into this idea. But you tell me...

GUTFELD: There are camps for adults. They're called cruises. That's basically what that -- isn't that basically a camp for adults? Or there's those nude camps that my uncle goes to.

ROGINSKY: Your uncle?

GUTFELD: He comes back with -- back with pictures and...

ROGINSKY: Of what?

GUTFELD: ... tract infections. Sorry.

ROGINSKY: I don't even know where to go from there.

BOLLING: Talk about the...

PERINO: I think that this is so -- it's so poll-tested. So she goes to an event and you speak to the audience. But she knows, like -- she knows she's being watched. She knows it's going to get played and I just feel like it's so poll-tested. And nothing says "let's have fun" like Hillary Clinton.

ROGINSKY: But let me just say this. I mean, this makes -- you raise, actually, an interesting point. And Eric, I'll ask you about this. She obviously had a bad couple of weeks the last outing -- the last public outing she had.

So you've seen her now putting out tweets, talking about issues, hitting the Republican Congress because she knows that's what's going to get the news going about what she's doing, as opposed to the e-mails.

This is the new fun Hillary Clinton. This is also going to potentially take attention away from the e-mails, because that's what we're talking about. We're not talking about the e-mails. So Dana, I think you're right.

But Eric, I mean, do you think this is part of a larger political strategy?
Or do you think this is more just her saying, "Well, I have to talk to the group that's paying me all this money, so let's talk about camps?"

BOLLING: So every time she opens her mouth about something serious, it blows up. And we find out that this was what she really meant. She didn't mean to say that. Or this is where the e-mails were or not.

She said we have a huge fun deficit. Then she said we'll have to fill that fun deficit for our kids. If you just take fun out of that, she's right.
We have a huge deficit, and we have to fill the deficit for our kids.
Maybe she's onto something here.

ROGINSKY: You're being a buzzkill right now.

PERINO: You would be a good press secretary.

TANTAROS: What do you think about this? You think this is just a strategy to sort of make her more likable and change the discussion?

TANTAROS: Yes. Change the discussion and make her more likable. But there is no other person that is more unfun than Hillary Clinton. So I can't imagine anyone saying, "This is what you should say, because you sound really believable."

And she says, "I think we've had a fun deficit over the last couple decades." Her husband is somewhere going, "I haven't, Hillary."

ROGINSKY: So I will actually -- In her defense, because I worked fairly closely with her office when I worked in the Senate, actually in private, which I know people say in private, she's actually a lot of fun. She's actually a different person. And hopefully...

TANTAROS: Lamp shades on the head?

ROGINSKY: No. Not...

BOLLING: She's a good dancer, remember?

ROGINSKY: No, I don't remember.

TANTAROS: Yes. She was doing the running man and the conga. Remember?

ROGINSKY: I don't remember, no.

GUTFELD: I went to last year's American Camp Association. It was in tents.

ROGINSKY: Oh, my God.

BOLLING: You're on fire.

GUTFELD: It was terrible. Terrible.

PERINO: Not a terrible joke.

TANTAROS: What would you even do at a fun gulag? What would you do at a fun gulag, Greg?

GUTFELD: A lot of charades, I would imagine.

ROGINSKY: Of what?

GUTFELD: I don't know. A lot of Yahtzee. A very underrated game, Yahtzee. It has that unusual die. Doesn't it have a die that has a number of sides?


GUTFELD: Or is that not Yahtzee?

PERINO: That's not Yahtzee.

ROGINSKY: Before we get to that, let's talk about "One More Thing," coming up next.


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing." And Greg, you go.

GUTFELD: It's exciting. Something new is going to happen on FOX News.
Roll this promo, please.


BILL O'REILLY, FOX NEW ANCHOR: O'Reilly here. Next on "The Factor," we begin a brand-new segment. "Dana Perino's Most Important Stories of the Week." Looking forward to seeing how that works.


GUTFELD: So it's weird. They say Dana Perino is going to be on this, but then they have this other lady. I don't know who that is. I'm not sure who it is. She looks like a real-estate agent that I had back in the '80s.

PERINO: On a business card? With a head shot?

GUTFELD: I have some tips for you, because this is going to be a weekly segment with Bill if he likes you.

PERINO: It's important that I make the cut.

GUTFELD: He like it is when you lean forward in a shot. He loves that.
He also likes it when you disagree with him violently and you call him "Billy." He really, really enjoys that.

PERINO: OK, got it.

GUTFELD: And then just pull on his clip-on tie...


GUTFELD: ... until it comes off.

PERINO: OK. That's really good advice. Thank you.

TANTAROS: And forget to turn off your phone.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly!

TANTAROS: And when he's reading his "Talking Points Memo," make a lot of hand gestures.

GUTFELD: He loves -- he loves the hand gestures.

TANTAROS: Fix your hair, rattle your jewelry. He loves that. It helps him focus.

PERINO: I love what a family we all are. You guys will, like, help me like that. I really appreciate it.

GUTFELD: I think you should keep that picture forever.

PERINO: Well...

GUTFELD: What happened to you? You were so pretty.

PERINO: Someone is trying to make me keep that picture.

All right. Eric, you're next.

BOLLING: OK. So the odds of picking a perfect NCAA bracket is 1.92 quintillion. Why would it be so hard? Sixty-four teams, 63 games.
Shouldn't be that hard. But besides the math, there's stuff like this.
Check this out.

This was No. 14 seed Georgia State, a huge underdog to Baylor. And at the buzzer, look at this shot. Boom.


BOLLING: Boom. Fourteen takes down a 3 seed. So that comes out to this right here, one in 9.2 quintillion.

PERINO: Wow, I like it.

OK. I have "One More Thing," because that's what we do in this segment.


PERINO: And it's exciting. OK, so if you were to preorder my book today at any sort of place, you'd get a special extra thing that they had me do, which was a good idea. The lost Jasper chapter is a special little thing.
If you preorder today, you can then send your receipt to Jasper@DanaPerino.com. I think we have the little thing down below on the banner. And then you can see this picture, too, of Jasper reading my book, which is my favorite picture ever done. It's cute, right?

GUTFELD: That's nice.

TANTAROS: FiveFanPhotoshop.

PERINO: You going to buy it? Yes, special guy.

OK. Andrea, you're next.

TANTAROS: OK. So today is the 80th anniversary of the board game Monopoly, which is based on Atlantic City, New Jersey. And so you remember there was Park Place; there was Marvin Gardens. Guess what, folks? Not anymore, because the game show maker decided to ask, I guess, game show enthusiasts what they wanted. And instead, they opted for other cities, like Denver. And I'm sure that will please you to no end, Dana, but Eric and I, who have, you know...

PERINO: Like the end of your era.

TANTAROS: ... beach houses are a little -- and you too, Jule. We're a little bummed out about this.

ROGINSKY: Yes. I mean, Atlantic City is kind of collapsing under this governor's watch, but nevertheless, no reason to have Monopoly...

BOLLING: Wait. Stop. You're blaming the governor for Atlantic City's problems?

PERINO: Just fired.

ROGINSKY: Are you kidding?

BOLLING: Not the mayor?

ROGINSKY: The mayor is a Republican, so you might want to change that tune.

BOLLING: But he's completely dropping the ball in Atlantic City.

ROGINSKY: The mayor just got elected, like, last year.

BOLLING: The mayor and Christie despise each other.

ROGINSKY: No, no, the mayor and Christie actually get along very well.

GUTFELD: Atlantic City, is that a box (ph) city?

TANTAROS: The mayor is white -- he's white and -- he's a white gay Republican.


TANTAROS: Isn't that amazing?

ROGINSKY: And Christie endorsed him, so nice try.

BOLLING: No, no, but they're having -- they're having a battle royale is what it is.

PERINO: But it is very sad. I mean, that is an end of an era, if you take Atlantic City off of the Monopoly board.

TANTAROS: What else do you have?

PERINO: I don't know.

GUTFELD: This is a strange game.

PERINO: It is.

GUTFELD: What kind of game uses a tiny thimble?

TANTAROS: And it can go on forever, which I don't like.

PERINO: But it -- I like to be the thimble sometimes.

GUTFELD: Well, I'm sure.

PERINO: When my sister and I play (ph).

You're next.

GUTFELD: You like to be the thimble.

ROGINSKY: So there are people in the Netherlands -- this is awesome -- IKEA in the Netherlands has banned hide and seek, because apparently -- Greg informed me this is called a flash mob. There are people in the Netherlands who are mobbing IDEA and, as you can see, hiding and playing raucous games of hide and seek. These are adults, I might add. These are not little children.

GUTFELD: That's stuff you want to buy. I don't want them lying on it.

ROGINSKY: Well, they are lying on it. So Ikea in the Netherlands apparently is a buzzkill and decided to put their foot down and is no longer doing anything about that.

GUTFELD: Thank goodness.

PERINO: You know your cell phone violation that you just had?


PERINO: You almost had a perfect show.

ROGINSKY: You know what? The number is a 609 number, which is Atlantic City. I'm a little worried.

PERINO: Watch out. I would be worried too.

ROGINSKY: Governor Christie calling right now.

PERINO: All right. Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five."
That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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