This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," July 6, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
SEAN HANNITY, HOST: George and Cindy Anthony fled the courtroom yesterday after the jury announced their daughter, Casey Anthony's acquittal. And now, according to "Radar Online," the couple is in hiding after receiving death threats over the Internet. Their attorney announced that the Anthony's have not decided whether they will welcome their daughter, who lived with them when Caylee disappeared back in 2008, back into their home when all of this is over.
From the looks of it, Casey's financial prospects are quite bright. ABC News reports that she stands to gain over $750,000 if she strikes a deal to write a tell-all book. She can even rake that money in while she's in jail. Also, Casey could net a similar sum for sitting down for an exclusive TV interview.
But TMZ News reports that an alternate career path may also open up to her -- pornography. Porn executive Steve Hersh called Anthony's lawyer, Jose Baez, to gauge her interest and told TMZ, quote, "we've all seen the pictures of her partying, having a good time with friends, where she definitely looks hot."
We are just learning that he has since rescinded that offer.
So what's next for Casey and the rest of the Anthony family?
Joining me now with reaction, Fox News legal analysts Mercedes Colwin and defense attorney Rebecca Rose Woodland.
First of all, in fairness to this entire family, all of this is media speculation. The idea that Casey will try and now -- why are you looking at me --
MERCEDES COLWIN, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: Sean, there's already all this interest. Where there is smoke, there is fire. There's tons of interest on this woman's tell-all.
HANNITY: Hang on a second. But we don't know what her interest is here.
COLWIN: If she is smart, keep your lips sealed. Don't speak to anybody.
REBECCA ROSE WOODLAND, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Let's hope, out of respect for her dead daughter -- but out of respect for her dead daughter, I would sincerely hope she doesn't write a tell-all book of how horrible jail was, what really happened. We saw that with O.J. and that disaster that happened.
HANNITY: Could she open herself up to legal problems?
WOODLAND: She could. Because there is what we call the Son of Sam laws that a lot of states adopted. It's a very difficult thing to enact.
HANNITY: That's if you are found guilty.
WOODLAND: That's if you're found guilty. She does have a guilty conviction here.
HANNITY: Four misdemeanors.
WOODLAND: Exactly. Misdemeanors. So her argument is going to be I'm not guilty on the crime that I would discuss. I didn't commit it. I wasn't found guilty. Respectfully, though for her daughter --
HANNITY: What if she told the story, a tail of involvement, the death, the swimming pool and the cover-up? Would that create any legal vulnerabilities for her there?
COLWIN: No, there's double jeopardy. So basically, she can't be retried for murder. She can't be retried for the facts underlying that murder. But here's the thing, though, she is being sued for defamation. She actually got served last night --
HANNITY: That is meaningless.
COLWIN: She will take her testimony. They are going to ask questions. Where did this nanny come up that you said that she took Caylee?
HANNITY: It's because the woman's name. Apparently she was in an apartment complex where she might have got that name that turned out to be a lie.
Look, I want to ask you both the same question we've been going over here tonight. I keep repeating, I need more to get me to this point. I think she was overcharged in the case. If it was negligent homicide, not reporting it 31 days, I think you had me. If it was negligent homicide, where she lied repeatedly, you had me. But when they say murder one, aggravated child abuse, they did not look -- I think they were overzealous. Am I right or wrong?
WOODLAND: I absolutely agree. I have to -- with all due respect to the prosecution, I understand they wanted a prosecution. But the facts and the evidence didn't add up to murder in the first degree. And the jury is thinking, in the back of their mind, oh God, that would mean possible death. I can't take that chance. That's what a juror says. Reasonable doubt.
COLWIN: I think the biggest issue, too, for that jury is where is the motive? She is such a loving mother. Look at these pictures. She's playing with her child. She's wonderful. No one came in and said, hey, by the way, child protective services has been around. She has been abusing this child. She's been talking about getting rid of this child.
HANNITY: How do you get this loving mother comment? I don't get this; 31 days -- if your child is missing, what are you going to do?
COLWIN: That was before. That's why the jury really struggled. They looked and said, wait a minute, all the history prior to her disappearance, everyone spoke -- even on the prosecution side, the witnesses said she loved her daughter; adored her daughter. She was kissing her, playing with her, all of that. But the bottom line, even Baez said, you know, my client might be a slut. She may be a liar. But she is not a murderer.
HANNITY: I got to tell you, I thought he started out really slow. I had my doubts about him. I thought his opening comments were way off base. He closed, along with Cheney -- what's his name -- Mason, just a phenomenal close. They literally rebutted every single issue that the prosecution brought up. And they either impeached it or created doubt. It was a brilliant close.
WOODLAND: Right, they attacked everything. They do not have to prove their case. They don't have to prove a defense. The prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.
HANNITY: Is the standard too high?
COLWIN: The standard is too high. I think there's an expectation of jurors. The "CSI effect" really does exist. The jurors want everything in a little neat package. I want an expert for every one of the tenets that you're trying to prove. You know what? You don't need a meteorologist to go outside and say, hey Sean, there's snow on the ground.
HANNITY: Did they prove one? Give me -- they don't know how the girl died. They don't know how the girl got there. They don't know -- there's no DNA. There's nothing.
COLWIN: You said it exactly right in the beginning. It was overreaching by the prosecution. If they had done something differently, she would have been convicted. But based on they were seeking, there wasn't enough proof to show it.
WOODLAND: There really just wasn't enough. In the land of CSI, that's not the real world. I think people need to understand that is not what happens in a real crime scene.
HANNITY: There's a lot at stake here. Because it is either mob rule, because, oh, she is a bad mother, we've got to convict her, or we believe in the rule of law, the presumption of innocence, the burden of proof on the prosecution, this standard that we have, beyond a reasonable doubt. It is fundamental.
People that have been writing me saying, Hannity, you are surprising me on this one, our Constitution and our rights are in jeopardy here. People, if we lower those standards in this case, they will be lowered forever. That's why it is dangerous.
Good to see you.
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